The Lowest Point: The Brussels Elite

BENEATH THE SURFACE – The true enemies of peace in Ukraine are EU leaders and global financial circles.

2025. 03. 17. 16:32
In this handout photograph taken and released by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Service on February 24, 2025, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky (R) greets European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (L) prior to a meeting with European leade
Ursula von der Leyen and Volodymyr Zelensky (Photo: Europress/AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

When a conflict involves only two players, there is a good chance they can reach an agreement. But when there are three, four, or even more, chaos theory comes into play and it becomes impossible to predict, even with the most advanced artificial intelligence (AI), who will agree with whom and on what.
After the Second World War, the Cold War emerged, and we know that there were essentially two main players: the United States and the Soviet Union. When they reached an agreement, things generally worked. When they didn’t, the conflict came dangerously close to them and to the rest of the world. A prime example is the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, which brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. However, both sides recognized the risk, leading them to negotiate and settle on key terms.

Hungary also fell victim to this bipolar world order: beyond empty words, the U.S. leadership refused to meaningfully support our 1956 revolution and freedom fight because the two sides had long agreed on which territories would belong to the Soviet Union and which to the United States. President Eisenhower, preparing for re-election, adhered to this deal, crushing our hopes.

Today, however, we are not facing a two-sided conflict but a chaotic situation in Ukraine’s proxy war. At least six key players are involved, making an agreement extremely difficult—though we all hope for one.

It’s worth quickly reviewing the interests of these players and what they seek to achieve in this conflict. Let’s start with the United States. President Donald Trump takes "America First!" extremely seriously and acts accordingly. For him, this does not mean, as it did under the Democrats (backed by the deep state), that the U.S. must be the world's master, moral authority, military enforcer, and security guarantor. Simply put, he does not want a unipolar world the way his predecessor did, who prioritized military solutions and moral posturing. Let's not forget that 

Trump is a businessman-turned-politician, and for him, American supremacy is primarily about economic, commercial, and financial dominance, but he does not want to sacrifice human lives or engage in perpetual wars. In this sense, he genuinely wants peace in Ukraine, but in a way that ensures the best possible business outcome.

This was evident in his negotiations with Zelensky, where he laid claim to half of Ukraine’s rare earth minerals in exchange for pressuring Putin into peace. Zelensky quickly realized this, apologized to Trump, trying to go back to the deal that had been negotiated but had stalled due to his behavior. 

However, this is not a two-player game. The other major chess piece on the board is Russia. Since becoming president, Putin has repeatedly made it clear to the Americans that NATO’s coming closer to Russia is unacceptable. He expressed this most clearly at the 2007 Munich Security Conference and made several attempts in the months leading up to the war to persuade the U.S. to agree on mutually beneficial security guarantees. Essentially, Russia still considers Ukraine (or at least part of it) as its territory, viewing Ukrainians as a "small Slavic" people.
Moreover, Putin and his government see how the Americans and the companies and financial institutions of the global elite are taking over vast tracts of Ukrainian land and energy resources. Out of Ukraine’s 42 million hectares of agricultural land, 17 million are now in foreign ownership, and another 15 million hectares are leased to foreign companies. In addition,

in Eastern Ukraine—home to a large Russian population—there are $14 billion worth of raw materials, half of which Russia has already claimed. And in the case of Donbas, let alone Crimea, Russia will not make territorial concessions.

But let's move on: we have Ukraine with Zelensky, which is almost nothing more than a war zone, where the Americans, the Russians, the EU with the deep state organizations behind it all want to achieve and acquire many things. Ukraine is in a very difficult situation, completely vulnerable, yet Zelensky still believes that this war is not over, Russia can be defeated, and Ukraine can remain an independent state—perhaps even join NATO and the European Union. And of course, if there is a leader of the European Commission like Ursula von der Leyen, who promises Zelensky that Ukraine could become an EU member even before 2030, then it’s no surprise that Zelensky has lost his grip on reality...

We must also mention China, a global economic and military power. True to traditional Chinese mentality, it is currently waiting to see how the balance of power shifts before making an active political move. China is interested in fair global trade where it is taken seriously—especially by the U.S.—so perhaps the best scenario for China would be a negotiated settlement between the U.S. and Russia that allows the big three to continue cooperating.

But now let's move on to the most difficult and most baffling player: and unfortunately, that is us, the European Union. Or rather, it's not us, because

Hungary—Viktor Orban's government—has pursued by far the most realistic policy in this multidimensional conflict. The biggest fool in the context of this war is the Brussels elite. This includes, first and foremost, the European Commission with Ursula von der Leyen at the helm, the mainstream globalist-liberal majority of the European Parliament, and unfortunately, a globalist-liberal majority among heads of state and government in the European Council for the time being.

Therefore, it is not the will of the sovereignists, but of the globalists, that currently prevails in the European Union.

And what is the Brussels elite doing? Simple: they want war. They have completely aligned with Ukraine, either believing or pretending to believe that Ukraine can actually defeat Russia. At the most recent summit, they decided that every EU member state must allocate 0.25 percent of its GDP to support Ukraine. They also plan to take out loans to finance their completely unrealistic goals—loans that European taxpayers will ultimately have to repay. And on top of all this, they are promising an unprepared country that it could join the EU as early as 2030.

The real question is:

Why is the Brussels elite pursuing this insane policy? The answer lies with the sixth player, the global elite: global corporations, financial institutions, from BlackRock to Monsanto to the Wall Street giants. These entities—including George Soros's empire—are determined to crush Russia, at any cost, because Russia is in their way.

 Because Russia wants to preserve its national sovereignty and rejects global governance, a key goal set by the World Economic Forum. Economically, they also want to exploit Russia along with its immense natural resources. Indirectly, they have done a lot to this end: for example, nine of Ukraine’s ten largest agricultural companies are now owned by foreign—American, French, transnational—companies. They cannot afford to lose these assets due to a possible victory by Russia, so they will do whatever it takes to ensure that the war continues and Russia falls.

But what does this have to do with the EU and Brussels? It's nothing more than that 

the Brussels elite is largely in the hands of the global elite. They do what the big boys tell them to do. Even Donald Trump could get into trouble, struggling against this massive power.

Just one fact to make it clear who we are up against: BlackRock, led by Larry Fink, was not very influential for a long time, but when the Rothschild empire recapitalized BlackRock to an unprecedented extent, it became the supreme master of almost the entire world economy. Since Elon Musk knows full well that the Fed is partly or entirely a Rothschild interest, I am not surprised that he said that the Fed should be eliminated.

Now we can see who the true enemies of peace are. Let’s hope Trump succeeds—because we have no other chance.


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