Zelensky Reveals His True Mission

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says it will not be easy to remove him from office and insists he would only step down if Ukraine were to become a NATO member in return.

2025. 03. 14. 15:52
NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte (r) and Ukrainian President Zelensky at the NATO Secretary-General’s residence in Brussels (Photo: AFP/Olivier Matthys)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

U.S. Republicans previously suggested that Zelensky should resign following his visibly unsuccessful negotiations in Washington with President Donald Trump, according to Arab News.

Zelensky and Trump had a heated confrontation at the White House on February 28 during a meeting that was supposed to finalize an agreement on Ukraine’s mineral resources and discuss a potential peace deal with Russia. (Photo: AFP/Saul Loeb)

"If they want to remove me, given my level of support, it will not be an easy task," Zelensky told the British press.

"Holding an election is not enough. They would also need to prevent me from running. That will be somewhat more difficult. It seems they will need to negotiate with me," Zelensky emphasized.

I said I would trade my position for NATO membership. Then my mission would be complete.

 U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio (left), and Mike Waltz, U.S. National Security Advisor. (Photo: AFP/Saul Loeb)

We need a leader who can reach an agreement with us, who can ultimately negotiate with the Russians, and who can bring this war to an end,

U.S. National Security Advisor Mike Waltz told CNN in an interview.

And if it becomes evident that President Zelensky’s personal or political motivations differ from the goal of ending the conflict in this country, then I believe we are facing a serious problem,

– Mr. Waltz added.

At a press conference in Moscow yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the ceasefire proposal submitted by the United States and accepted by Ukraine, stating that while Moscow supports the proposal in principle, several issues still require further negotiations, including discussions with U.S. President Donald Trump.

Cover Photo: NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte (r) and Ukrainian President Zelensky at the NATO Secretary-General’s residence in Brussels (Photo: AFP/Olivier Matthys)

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