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HLM instead of BLM: Hungarian fans’ witty alternative

“HLM: Hun loves Mary,” – Hungarian fans displayed this witty slogan on a banner at the last England-Hungarian Nations League match.

2022. 06. 15. 18:53
Forrás: Facebook/Ultrasliberi
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

“HLM: Hun loves Mary,” – Hungarian fans displayed this witty slogan on a banner at the last England-Hungarian Nations League match. Aside from the slogan, the banner also pictured King Saint Stephen kneeling while handing the Holy Crown of Hungary to the Virgin Mary above him.

“Hungarians kneel in three cases: before God, before the homeland, and before the woman they love,”

– the Ultrasliberi Hungarian football fan page wrote, captioning their Facebook post with a picture of fans holding the banner. The picture also shows that the clever fans printed this graphic and slogan on their t-shirts as well.

The HLM abbreviation is an alternative to the BLM, “Black Lives Matter” movement that began in the United States and became an international phenomenon and has left a rather deep mark in the world of sports as players are often seen kneeling at matches.

The quote actually came from Prime Minister Viktor Orbán who made this statement last June when the Hungarian team was criticized during the European League for not kneeling before the matches.

The fact that the Hungarian team did not kneel and that some fans booed the gesture from the opposing team caused a bit of a scandal at the last England-Hungarian game as well. International media platforms, especially English ones, attacked the children who were present at the match (as adult fans were not allowed to attend).

Last night’s match was not without some “revenge” though at the packed Molineux stadium: the English fans made it a point to start chanting “you racist b*****ds” during the Hungarian anthem and concluded with a round of booing and whistling.

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