Fidesz MEPs have turned to the Chair of the European Parliament's Budgetary Control Committee. In their letter to Monika Hohlmeier, MEPs Andor Deli and Tamas Deutsch underlined that the ongoing mid-term review of the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027 has highlighted a serious suspicion of a rather worrying financial irregularity. It has emerged that while the European Commission expects member states to pay tens of billions of euros more to finance EU programs - including a further €50 billion to support Ukraine - it cannot account for exactly how much has been spent on Ukraine, and on what grounds.
Fidesz MEPs ask EC to account for EU funds spent on Ukraine
Although the Commission expects member states to make additional payments, it cannot account for how much it has spent on Ukraine, according to MEPs Andor Deli and Tamas Deutsch

According to the MEPs,
it is worrying that, while the Committee on Budgetary Control has refused to clear the accounts of some EU agencies for financial irregularities of a much smaller scale than mentioned above and is investigating Member States on the basis of unfounded, often politically motivated allegations by dubious organizations, so far it has done nothing to address the blatant negligence of the European Commission in funding a non-EU country.
Subsequently, MEPs Andor Deli and Tamas Deutsch have called on Ms Hohlmeier to write to the European Commission without delay to put the matter on the agenda of the Committee on Budgetary Control as soon as possible, in order to clarify the issue and to effectively protect the financial interests of the European Union.
Cover photo: Finnish MEP Petri Sarvamaa, (Christian Democrats), Monika Hohlmeier and Mayor Gergely Karacsony in Budapest (Photo: Monika Hohlmeier/Facebook)
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