Although the cleaning up of streets after a week of riots resembling a civil war is still underway in France, the continent is witnessing another migrant riot, this time in Germany.
Germany hit by mass brawl and new migrant riots + video
No sooner had French authorities managed to contain the bloody migrant riots that lasted days than a new riot erupted in Germany, claiming countless casualties.

The city of Giessen hosts a festival for Eritreans each and every year, which always ends in a mass brawl. The tradition remained unbroken this year, with migrants first only harassing motorists and blocking the traffic.
Then, they attacked the police officers on duty, but also started harassing passers-by. The tempers quickly flared.
According to police, the horde of rampaging migrants threw stones, bottles and other projectiles at the officers. Citizens have been advised to avoid the entire city.
The fact that on Friday, the police were still adamant that the weekend could go ahead without a hitch and asked people not to spread misinformation that migrants were once again causing chaos is particularly interesting.
In the background is clearly the Eritrean civil war. The festival is organized by government supporters, but opponents of the regime always want to prevent it, which is causing tensions year after year. In 2022, more than 30 people were arrested and several officers were injured before the festival kicked off. In the end, authorities cancelled the festival citing security risks.
The city tried to ban the demonstration that was regularly associated with the event, but the initiative failed in the administrative court. Locals are terrified that a migrant riot similar to the one in France could erupt in Germany.
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In Germany, migrants harassing Europeans has become a regular occurrence, but internal fights are also taking place on occasion.
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Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: Arpad Kurucz)
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