On Tuesday night, migrants fired their guns again on the southern side of the Hungarian border fence near Hajdujaras, Serbia. Locals took to social media to inform each other and consider further action. Residents of the settlement also reported a continuous series of shots and an explosion.
Guns fired again at Serbia-Hungary border
Locals also heard an explosion on Tuesday night, but its cause remains unknown.

Some wrote that they saw and heard illegal migrants shooting with their guns just 50 meters from their homes.
Residents of Hajdujaras also reported that they heard an explosion, but its cause is still unknown. Detonations were also heard in the surrounding villages, including Ludas and Palic. In response to Magyar Nemzet's inquiry, a Hajdujaras resident confirmed that a series of shots had been heard in the village. The locals have reported the incidents to police. This is the second migrant shooting this week in the village near the Hungarian border, mainly inhabited by Hungarians. On the first day of the week, one migrant was killed and two others were injured, according to official reports.
It is not yet known how many people were injured in Tuesday's clashes.
Cover photo: Illustration: Illegal migrants at Horgos, Serbia (Photo: Zoltan Havran)
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