State secretary responds to ambassadors' protest at Pride parade

The pride parade was an opportunity for thirty-eight ambassadors accredited to Budapest to protest against Hungary's child protection law, commented the state secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Magyar Nemzet
2023. 07. 16. 10:18
David Pressman Fotó: Teknos Forrás: Teknős Miklós
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Tamas Menczer took to social media to respond to the ambassadors' protest in several points:

  • 1 We will protect Hungarian children from LGBTQ propaganda even if we are pressurised and attacked.
  • 2 My question to the French ambassador: are the 12 thousand vehicles set on fire during the migrant rioting still burning? 
  • 3 My question to the Swedish ambassador: how many teenagers got shot in gang wars in Sweden this week?
  • 4 My question to the Dutch ambassador: is the Netherlands still a drug state? This is how the president of the Dutch police union called his own country.
  • 5  My question to the Slovak ambassador: can you remember a day when there was no government crisis in your country?
  • 6 My question to the German ambassador: are you not concerned about the state of Germany's democracy, given that the electoral law was changed by only a simple majority?
  • 7 My question to the US ambassador: do you feel that America with its advanced democracy will be able to hold  elections that are the foundation of democracy fairly? Because what you staged last time and described as elections made the whole world cry or laugh.
  • 8 I could go on with all the signatory ambassador countries.
  • 9 I would like to draw the attention of the honourable Ambassadors to the fact that they are not governors here, and Hungary is not a colony.
  • 10 I am amazed that, despite the serious problems facing democracy in your countries, as mentioned above, you are concerned with the internal affairs of another country.
  • +1 Such behaviour is completely alien to Hungarian foreign policy. In line with FM Szijjarto's instructions, Hungarian mission heads always relate to the host country with respect and never comment on internal affairs.  Domestic issues are not the business of visiting diplomats, but of the people living there,

the state secretary wrote in his post, adding that

It is not too late to step on the path of mutual respect, and we would welcome all ambassadors in Budapest.



Cover photo: David Pressman at Budapest Pride (Photo: Miklos Teknos)

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