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German MEP gives away why they want to interfere in Polish elections

If the Left returns to power in Poland after the October elections, the new government will accept the migration pact imposed by Brussels, says Michael Gahler, an MEP of the German Christian Democrats, writes V4NA.

2023. 09. 16. 17:26
Strasbourg, 2023. szeptember 12. Képviselõk szavaznak az Európai Parlament (EP) plenáris ülésén Strasbourgban 2023. szeptember 12-én. Az EP képviselõi az ülésen megszavazták az európai védelmi ipar közös beszerzések révén történõ megerõsítésérõl szóló uniós jogszabálytervezetet. A szabályozás segíteni fogja a tagállamokat abban, hogy "önkéntes és együttmûködésen alapuló módon" fedezzék a legsürgõsebb és legfontosabb védelmi szükségleteiket, amelyeket a hadászati termékek Ukrajnának történõ átadása növelt meg. MTI/EPA/Julien Warnand Fotó: Julien Warnand
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

It comes as no surprise that there will be foreign attempts to influence Poland’s general elections on 15 October. 

The German interest is, writes V4NA, to see Donald Tusk, the leader of the Left, return to government. After all, the Polish-Hungarian duo is the biggest obstacle for Brussels’s liberal bureaucrats bent on imposing all their plans on every member state. 

Michael Gahler, a member of the European Parliament for the German Christian Democratic Union (CDU), has made no secret of this. He said that if the Civic Platform (PO) returns to power in Poland after the October elections, the new government will accept the migration pact forced on it by Brussels. And “this is what the election will be about,” pro-government politician Marek Pek has said.

In October, Poland could have a new government. I hope that my political friends, along with their coalition partners, will pursue a different policy. I remember that in 2015, shortly before Law and Justice (PiS) came to power, there was an agreement to resettle 165,000 migrants. At the time, the Polish government only took in a few thousand. This means that the acceptance of migrants, in a political sense, does not depend on the country itself, but on which party happens to be in power in Poland . Just like in the case of Hungary. But Poland is about to hold elections very soon…

the German politician explained to the press, according to V4NA .


Cover photo: MEPs vote during the European Parliament (EP) plenary session in Strasbourg on September 12, 2023. (Photo: MTI/EPA/Julien Warnand)

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