In an interview with Magyar Nemzet, Hungarian Minister for EU Affairs Janos Boka said that Hungarians have a vision, a strategy and a proposal for a solution to Europe's crisis symptoms. The recently appointed minister added he considered the invitation to lead the ministry a great honor and challenge.
Minister for EU Affairs: we dare to think independently about Europe
We have a vision, a strategy and a proposal for solving Europe's crisis symptoms," the Hungarian Minister for EU Affairs told Magyar Nemzet.
The creation of the independent ministry was motivated by the need for a strong and effective representation of Hungarian interests, he said. Janos Boka also outlined what can be expected from Hungary when it holds the rotating presidency of the European Union next year.
"We want to give back the opportunity of political initiative and strategic guidance to the member states. All initiatives and proposals will be examined to see whether they address the real problems,"
the minister stressed.
Commenting on the fact that those who oppose the Hungarian presidency tend to raise problems related to the rule of law, János Bóka said that there are political debates and a political debate can only be resolved in a political way.
Regarding the fate of EU funds due to Hungary, the minister said that the Hungarian government would do everything possible to ensure that Hungary and the Hungarian people receive the funds to which they are entitled. The procedures that are holding back certain EU funds from Hungary are political in nature.
Cover photo: Janos Boka (Photo: Istvan Mirko)
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This year’s CPAC Hungary also serves the purpose of merging the anti-globalist, sovereigntist wave that has emerged on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.