Fidesz MEP: Despite Machinations of EP’s Left-Wing Majority, We Will Defend Hungary’s Sovereignty

No matter what the left-wing majority in the European Parliament does, we will defend Hungary's sovereignty, Tamas Deutsch, the leader of Fidesz's delegation to the European Parliament, said in Strasbourg on Tuesday.

2023. 11. 22. 13:49
Budapest, 2022. október 28. Deutsch Tamás, a Fidesz európai parlamenti képviselõcsoportjának vezetõje az EP oktatási és kulturális szakbizottsága jövõ heti budapesti látogatásáról tartott budapesti sajtótájékoztatón 2022. október 28-án. MTI/Máthé Zoltán Fotó: Máthé Zoltán
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Speaking to Hungarian journalists after the European Parliament's (EP) plenary debate on the ongoing threats to the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary and Hungary's alleged failure to meet the conditions for EU funding, MEP Tamas Deutsch underlined that 

the Hungarian left and the left-wing majority in the EP have once again used the debate as an opportunity to formulate their own punitive ideas against Hungary.

The only aim of this dirty power game - played by the left-wing majority in the EP on the orders of Hungary's opposition 'Dollar Left' - is to ensure that Hungary should under any circumstance gain access to the EU funds that it is legally entitled to. Its aim is to create a political hysteria that will put pressure on the EC President and members of the European Commission so that, in this political environment, we lose our courage to state, in line with the actual facts, that

Hungary has fulfilled all the conditions necessary for the mobilization of development funds, 

− Mr Deutsch said.

During the debate, the MEPs of Fidesz and the Hungarian Christian Democrats (KDNP) made it clear that whatever the political pressure from Brussels on Hungary, they remain united in their position that the madness of the Ukraine war must end, an immediate ceasefire is needed, illegal migration must be curbed in the face of Brussels' policy of catering to migrants, the EU's external borders must be protected, the madness of Brussels' gender ideology must be confronted and children must be protected by preserving Hungary's Child Protection Law, he said.

Whatever pressure we face regarding these issues, we will not give in

− he said.

Once again, Hungarian voters have clearly seen that the MEPs of Fidesz and its ally, the Christian Democrats (KDNP) stand up for Hungarian interests, while the left-wing MEPs are merely using the EU Parliament to spite their own country, Mr Deutsch added.


Cover photo: MEP Tamas Deutsch, leader of the Fidesz Group in the European Parliament (Photo: MTI/Zoltán Máthe)

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