How EU would Crush a Hungarian Achievement

Changing the EU's migration policy is a top priority, says Homeland Security Advisor Gyorgy Bakondi.

2023. 11. 19. 13:00
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"European citizens have a vested interest in changing the European Union's misguided migration policy," the Hungarian PM's chief advisor on homeland security told public television. Gyorgy Bakondi expressed his hope that next year's EU elections will change the composition of the European Parliament, enabling it to break with the migration policy that is endangering the people of Europe.

When asked why European politicians do not dare to show their agreement with the Hungarian model, the senior adviser said:

the European liberal majority has tried to establish such a politically correct public discourse, that anyone deviating from it risks exclusion and being ostracized resulting in serious moral and material ramifications.

A number of new negative phenomena have emerged as a result of illegal immigration, Bakondi said, such as demonstrations in support of the Palestinian Islamist organization Hamas and manifestations of anti-Semitism.

The homeland security advisor says that the European Union's proposal to admit anyone claiming political asylum and requiring them to wait for a decision within the territory of the country where they submitted their application would negate the Hungarian government's achievement of protecting Hungary's borders and making the country the safest in the world. "This is unacceptable to the Hungarian government, and the majority of the Hungarian population agrees with it, Gyorgy Bakondi stressed.

Human smuggling gangs in Serbia pose a serious threat to public security, he said, as they are becoming increasingly violent in turf wars against each other. In actuality, it is not the authorities of the nation states deciding which individuals can enter the territory of a country, but the smugglers who are deciding who crosses the border. This means an additional security risk to the people of Europe.

Cover photo: Gyorgy Bakondi (Source: Hir TV)

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