Hungary Must Take An Alternative Path, Policy Chief Says

Balazs Orban's new book titled 'The Swipe of a Hussar's Sword – Hungarian Strategy of Connectivity' was also unveiled in the east-Hungarian city of Debrecen.

2023. 12. 20. 11:18
ORBÁN Balázs
Debrecen, 2023. december 19. Orbán Balázs, a miniszterelnök politikai igazgatója beszédet mond új könyvének, a Huszárvágás - A magyar konnektivitás stratégiája címû kötet bemutatóján, a Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) debreceni oktatási központjában 2023. december 19-én. MTI/Czeglédi Zsolt Fotó: Czeglédi Zsolt
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– The formation of blocs is not a favorable strategy. It doesn't serve the interests of Europe and, more importantly, it doesn't align with Hungary's interests, expressed Balazs Orban during the launch of his book titled "The Swipe of a Hussar's Sword – Hungarian Strategy of Connectivity" (English translation - ed.) in Debrecen, Hungary.  – As the global balance of power undergoes shifts, the Western world, traditionally in a dominant position, albeit less so now, contemplates a return to the Cold War logic of building blocs," PM Viktor Orban's policy chief explained.

In our opinion, this is not a good strategy (...), we must follow an alternative path because, instead of bloc formation, we believe in inter-connection and connectivity,

– Balazs Orban said. He believes that, in practice, this approach means that 

we must consistently advocate for peace as the world order undergoes rearrangements.

We must focus on establishing mutually beneficial economic cooperation, leveraging Hungary's driving forces and opportunities shaped by the country's geographical location, history and economic structure. The details of this are elaborated in the new book, he said.

– Our traditional alliance systems, NATO and the European Union, are crucial. However, collaboration with other, multi-country alliances - such as the One Belt, One Road cooperation with China, or partnership with Turkic states that are of Turkish origin - is also gaining significance, and not as an alternative, the politician told state media on the occasion of his book launch.

Balazs Orban expressed his conviction that the world is becoming multipolar, and that Hungary must chart its own course.

With its own interests in mind, Hungary must foster relationships of sufficient depth and quality with each global pole and create some sort of balance,

– which could usher in "a period of peaceful economic development".

PM Viktor Orban's political director also touched on the role of Russia, stating that instead of isolating Moscow, we should cultivate pragmatic cooperation, primarily in the field of energy at the moment. Russia should be integrated into global trade and made an important player in European and Asian trade, Balazs Orban said.


Cover photo: Balazs Orban, during the launch of his new book (Photo: MTI/Zsolt Czegledi)

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