Integration of Western Balkans a Clear Priority

On Tuesday, Hungary's minister in charge of EU affairs held talks with Serbian leaders in Belgrade. The discussions covered Hungary-Serbia relations, and the minister presented the objectives of Hungary's upcoming EU Presidency in the second half of next year.

2023. 12. 06. 13:33
BÓKA János
Brüsszel, 2023. november 15. Bóka János európai uniós ügyekért felelõs miniszter nyilatkozik a sajtó képviselõinek, amint megérkezik az EU-tagállamok uniós ügyekért felelõs minisztereinek tanácskozására Brüsszelben 2023. november 15-én. MTI/EPA/Olivier Hoslet Fotó: Olivier Hoslet
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Janos Boka shared on his Facebook page that he and Tatjana Jovic, chief advisor to Serbia's president, addressed crucial issues influencing the relationship between the two countries.

Hungary's EU affairs minister emphasized that he briefed his counterpart on the objectives of Hungary's EU Presidency for the upcoming year. Additionally, they discussed the EU-Western Balkans summit scheduled for next week.

The EU should acknowledge the efforts and achievements of Serbia and the region, 

− he stressed.

Together with Tanja Miscevic, Serbia's European integration minister, they went through the key tasks of Hungary's EU Presidency, with a particular focus on enlargement policy. Both agreed on the importance of giving special attention to the integration of the Western Balkans, as shared by Mr Boka.

In addition, he emphasized that the issue of European regional economic cooperation was on the agenda during his discussions with Gojko Stanivukovic, state secretary at Serbia's finance ministry.


Cover photo: Janos Boka, Hungary's Minister for EU Affairs (Photo: MTI/EPA/Olivier Hoslet)

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