Official: 2023 Marks the Year of the Hungarian Left's Betrayal of the Country

The Hungarian left has lost all its moral foundations, the director of the conservative think-tank Center for Fundamental Rights has said.

2023. 12. 31. 11:38
Szánthó Miklós
Budapest Szánthó Miklós, az Alapjogokért Központ főigazgatója Fotó: Mirkó István Magyar Nemzet Fotó: Mirkó István
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Miklos Szantho, Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights, shared insights in a significant year-end interview with the Hungarian Mandiner news site, drawing parallels between "woke" ideology and communism.

"Woke is essentially communism in a new guise. The essence of both is the same: to deprive the individual of his faith, national allegiance and family, which - contrary to what is preached - makes everyone not freer, but empty," 

– the director of the conservative think-tank stated. 

Concerning the uninterrupted decline of the Hungarian left and the attempts of the open society network to intervene abroad, he said "the Hungarian left has lost all its moral and ethical foundations in general, especially evident in their scaremongering with the far right, as they have willingly and gleefully joined forces with Jobbik, a political party they used to describe as "Nazi" and "fascist." He emphasized that

if 2023 had a partial political lesson, it is that it's become clear that, true to the original Marxist doctrine, the Left - both at home and across the West - is attacking both pillars of our Judeo-Christian civilization.

According to Mr Szantho, "the lungs have been separated from the liver, and now we have clear, undeniable proof of which Hungarian parties and politicians have been hired from abroad to work specifically against Hungary. The picture has become clearer, helping us navigate the landscape. Through self-admissions, the Hungarian left revealed that they received billions from the Open Society Network for last year's campaign. Additionally, they also acknowledged being the looters of the lost micro-donation boxes."

Speaking about Hungary's role in the international arena and international processes, Mr Szantho underlined that "the liberal paradigm of 'history has ended' has come to an end, and new power structures are emerging in all respects. Meanwhile, Hungary's grand strategy, if one can say such a thing, has stayed the same for a thousand years: we must avoid being annexed by any empires."

If you will, Hungary's seemingly interest-based foreign policy is, in fact, value-based, with the key value being Hungarian interest. This "selfish" interest, the defense of sovereignty, is a priority value, if we add that the political landscape of the West, driving itself towards civilizational suicide, has essentially become a globalist-sovereignist division, introducing new dimensions,

– he said. 

Mr Szanto also revealed in the interview that there will be another CPAC Hungary event in 2024, the details of which will be announced in early January.

Cover photo: Miklos Szantho, Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights (Photo: Istvan Mirko)

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