We Want to Preserve Hungary's Peace, Orban's Policy Chief Says

Preserving Hungary's peace, security and economic development requires fending off attacks on our sovereignty, the Hungarian PM's political director says.

2023. 12. 01. 15:51
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The national consultation survey is important in order to protect the results achieved so far, Balazs Orban, the Hungarian PM's political director, told a press conference held before a public forum on the topic in Martonvasar, Fejer County, Central Hungary. The political director called the "consultation on sovereignty" key because, as he put it,

if we want to preserve Hungary's peace, security and economic development, then attacks on our sovereignty must be fended off.

According to the political director, the government has all the instruments at its disposal to achieve this, and only needs one last thing: proof that the will of the people is behind it, and the Hungarian people think the same as Hungary's government. With a democratic mandate, the government can fight back attempts at limiting sovereignty, and will succeed in averting such aspirations by the political leadership in Brussels in the coming months. 

In the past year and a half, the whole of Europe has been suffering from the consequences of the flawed sanctions imposed by Brussels in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine war, Balazs Orban pointed out, noting that Hungary has managed to hold out in this difficult situation thanks to arduous efforts.

This year, government measures have protected families, jobs, caps on household utility costs and pensions. Inflation, causing concern for everyone, has been driven down successfully, and prospects for serious growth next year are looking good.

To this end, all that is needed for the government to do its job and have sovereignty, that is, self-determination, and then the Hungarian people will be able to return to an increasingly better life again.

This capacity for self-determination is under constant attack as a result of Brussels's misguided policies and bad leadership, Balazs Orban stressed.

Hungary's stance on migration, the child protection law, the freeze on interest rates and the utility cost cuts are under attack, while for reasons of political blackmail, Brussels is withholding EU funds Hungarians are entitled to and is asking Hungary to provide additional budgetary funds to Ukraine, and to back Ukraine's admission to the European Union.

The government is set to avert these attacks and preserve the results achieved so far, he highlighted, adding that to this end, "as many opinions as possible pointing in one direction must be presented", so that it will become clearer for everyone that Hungary's sovereignty is not for sale.

Wherever one looks in Europe, the country's sovereignty is under attack in several areas, such as migration, with foreign powers wanting to rule the country through influencing legislative processes, or providing financial support for certain political communities, Zoltan Tessey, MP of Fidesz for the region said. This is what I would like to explain to people personally, he added.

Cover photo: Balazs Orban, the Hungarian PM's political director (Photo: Miklos Teknos)

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