Tax and Customs Office Keeps Close Watch on Grain Shipments Throughout Hungary

Patrols inspect thousands of trucks, freight cars and cargo ships carrying grain.

2024. 01. 21. 11:18
Forrás: Pexels
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Agricultural goods are not allowed to transit the territory of Hungary without being checked, and vehicles transporting grain on roads, waterways and railways are under increased surveillance this year again, the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) told MTI on Saturday.

A series of checks began after the ban on Ukrainian grain imports entered into force last April and will continue this year. Up till now, NAV officers have inspected thousands of trucks, rail cargoes and cargo ships carrying grain,

NAV said.

According to the statement,

shipments entering Hungary are registered, sealed and tracked until they exit the country.

The customs officers use patrol boats to keep a constant check on grain shipments arriving by water transport on the entire Hungarian section of the Danube.

NAV's Law Enforcement Department keeps a check on restricted products on motorways, roads, railways and at depots, and a camera network is also in place for monitoring, the statement said.

If a shipment is seen deviating from its original route, a patrol is immediately dispatched.

NAV can immediately check compliance with the economic protection measures taken by the government anywhere in the country.

Carriers in breach of the regulation can expect a fine equal to the value of the goods transported net of tax.

(Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: Pexels)


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