The Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology of Israel, MK Gila Gamliel, participated in the CPAC conference in Hungary.
She expressed deep gratitude to the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, for his continued support of Israel.
The Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology of Israel, MK Gila Gamliel, participated in the CPAC conference in Hungary.
She expressed deep gratitude to the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, for his continued support of Israel.
She emphasized the importance Israel places on the strong alliance with Hungary and the close cooperation between the two countries in dealing with security threats from Islamist terrorist organizations like Hamas. Minister Gamliel called on the international community to pressure Iran to prevent it from pursuing nuclear weapons . She stressed that Israel is determined to continue acting to return the hostages to their families and to destroy Hamas' military capabilities.
Entire regions, divided up by the Trianon Peace Treaty, can finally find a sense of unity.
European liberals would deprive right-wing forces in the European Parliament of even their most basic rights, think tank chief says.
Enlargement policy was a key priority of Hungary’s EU presidency.
Both the Christmas ceasefire and prisoner exchange depend on Zelensky.
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F1: Sergio Pérez távozik a Red Bulltól – hivatalos
Drámai vonatbaleset történt Oroszországban + videó
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Szoboszlai Dominik ezúttal a kispadra sem ült le
Entire regions, divided up by the Trianon Peace Treaty, can finally find a sense of unity.
European liberals would deprive right-wing forces in the European Parliament of even their most basic rights, think tank chief says.
Enlargement policy was a key priority of Hungary’s EU presidency.
Both the Christmas ceasefire and prisoner exchange depend on Zelensky.
Portfóliónk minőségi tartalmat jelent minden olvasó számára. Egyedülálló elérést, országos lefedettséget és változatos megjelenési lehetőséget biztosít. Folyamatosan keressük az új irányokat és fejlődési lehetőségeket. Ez jövőnk záloga.