A magyar csapat eredményei:

Hungary Representing Russian or Foreign Interests in Sahel Simply Nonsense

"Ever since we started our work in the Sahel and Chad, we have experienced returning attempts of disinformation campaigns," the ministerial commissioner wrote on social media.

2024. 05. 15. 14:11
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Ever since we started our work in the Sahel and Chad, we have experienced returning attempts of disinformation campaigns," Laszlo Eduard Mathe, ministerial commissioner in charge of coordinating foreign policy in the sub-Saharan region, wrote on social media, adding, however, that the latest ones have just crossed a line. "I have always been open to anyone from the press and will be in the future," he noted.

 "Spreading lies, however, is not journalism."


The ministerial commissioner emphasized:

It is simply nonsense that Hungary represents Russian or any other foreign interests in the Sahel. We work for the Hungarian and the local people through our development and humanitarian programs and for the security and stability of the region. Anyone who attempts to slander us with these fake news type of disinformation is only interested in destabilizing the Sahel and causing suffering to the people who already have great many difficulties. I say shame on those who do this.



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