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18:002024. június 26.
18:002024. június 26.

"Tamas Deutsch Is Definitely the Winner, Because He Was Right"

The Left couldn't hide its past, the analyst said after the televised EP-election debate.

2024. 05. 31. 14:50
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The debate was about Tamas Deutsch confronting the Left with reality,

said analyst Daniel Deak. Meanwhile, the Left tried to lie about reality when it came to sensitive issues, he added.

The lead candidates of 11 parties that have put together EP electoral lists took part in an EP-election debate on Thursday night, presenting their programs and the issues they stand for. In an earlier piece,  Magyar Nemzet reported on the debate and what was said there. For an analysis of the debate, our newspaper reached out to Daniel Deak, senior analyst at the 21st Century Institute.

"On the topic of war, the Left tried to obfuscate, they wanted to play the innocent, 

but they supported all pro-war decisions  in the EP,

so that didn't work, he stressed. Peter Magyar (recently founded Tisza party) tried to dodge the issue, while we know that his EP list is full of people working for Soros's organizations, such as Viktor Weisz and Dora David. Since they have no freedom to decide on this issue, they will support the war because that is what Soros's network is asking them to do, he said. 

Source: Daniel Deak/Facebook

The situation is similar on the issue of migration. Having learnt from the past, the dollar Left tried to hide its pro-migration stance.

But Deutsch was quick to set them straight,

he pointed out.

"Peter Magyar was not strong on the issue of migration either, as he wants to get into the European Parliament "someone who works for one of Soros's organizations that supports migrants". Viktor Weisz worked as a mentor for migrants at the Artemisszio Foundation, which was stuffed with tens of thousands of dollars by George Soros. Or take Dora David, who worked for another organization with ties to Soros during the peak of the migrant crisis. 

So who won? Tamas Deutsch is definitely the winner, because he was right,  he stood up for Hungary and confronted the dollar Left, the analyst highlighted.  "However, Klara Dobrev and Peter Magyar lost, because they did not manage to lie about reality, and their opponent from Fidesz set them straight live," the analyst added.

"The fact that representatives of several parties have made some atrocious statements about the public television is effectively a sign of disrespect for the voters. The participants have accepted the terms of the debate and have largely complied with them. Nevertheless, there was some butting in with comments and disrespectful statements," said Daniel Deak, who followed the debate on the spot and witnessed Peter Marki-Zay constantly talking into what his fellow debaters were saying.

After the debate, viewers are in a better position to decide, and it is up to them to judge the behavior of the politicians participating in the debate, the analyst said in conclusion. 

Cover photo: Tamas Deutsch, MEP of Fidesz, at the debate (Photo: Screenshot/M1)




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