PM Orban: Pro-War, Anti-Economy, Pro-Migration Coalition Established

Hungary's prime minister shared details of his discussions in Berlin, which included the potential for Mercedes to bring a significant investment to the south Hungarian city of Kecskemet.

2024. 06. 21. 10:39
ORBÁN Viktor
In this photo released by the Prime Minister's Press Office, PM Viktor Orban speaks to public radio's "Good Morning, Hungary!" program on May 3, 2024. (Photo: MTI/PM's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Ahead of a meeting with the German Chancellor, I met with the management of the Mercedes-Benz company, PM Viktor Orban told Kossuth Radio's "Good Morning, Hungary" program during his regular Friday morning interview. This discussion was in relation to his upcoming talks with Olaf Scholz in Berlin today. He also mentioned that he will hold talks with Italy's prime minister on Monday and with the French president on Wednesday.


A huge investment could come to Kecskemet

– "German industry is undergoing a major transformation. The question is whether there will be a place for Hungarians in this technological transformation, and the answer is that there will be," PM Orban said. He added that he and Mercedes executives discussed a major investment in the vehicle and parts manufacturing sector that would bring around four thousand new jobs to Kecskemet.

Mr. Orban emphasized that German-Hungarian economic cooperation must receive a "kosher seal" from whoever happens to be the German Chancellor. He stressed that without a large market, Hungary could not afford to live as it does now, and that the openness of the world economy was therefore a key issue for Hungary.

It would be tragic for Hungary to solely rely on the economic market of ten million Hungarians, in which case our living standars would be much worse off, PM Orban said. - We produce electronics, cars, chemicals and food products for the world. Germany is also a producer country, like Hungary, so the two countries are in the same boat. The forces in Europe that want the opposite must be pushed back. The issue of the competitiveness of the European economy will feature heavily on the agenda during Hungary's EU Presidency, he stated. 


Population replacement underway in Europe 

Regarding the EU's coalition agreement, PM Orban said they attended an informal dinner where no legal decisions were made. However, it was here that the left-wing parties announced they had reached an agreement with each other. "The European People's Party looks set to join the left, and this is a done deal," Mr. Orban said, adding, This is not a charitable gala: we need to make power-related decisions, where the question is how many votes and allies one particular force has. The coalition of the Liberals, the Left, and the People's Party, led by Manfred Weber, who plays an evil role here, is a pro-war coalition, and they are bent on taking Europe into war at an accelerating pace. The second program of Weber's coalition is pro-migration, and they are the implementers of the Soros plan, he said. According to Mr. Orban, the scheme's goal is to bring one million migrants into Europe every year, with Soros happy to extend his loans. "There is a population replacement in Europe; the number of white Europeans is decreasing, and the number of Muslim migrants is radically increasing," Mr. Orban said.


Competitiveness is at risk

Concerning the EU's competitiveness, this coalition is on the side of raising taxes, Mr. Orban said. "They established a pro-war, anti-economy and pro-migration coalition in Europe and, compared to Mr Weber, Ms Von der Leyen is a negligible player. 

While the weight of right-wing parties in Europe is steadily growing, the European People's Party is collecting votes from the right whilst forming a coalition with the Left, Mr. Orban emphasized. He said governments that are not right-wing have been weakened in almost all EU countries, including France, where early parliamentary elections will be held.


We can get off the pro-war train

– Led by the Americans, and with Germany in a supportive role, the West wants to defeat Russia. This is a hopeless endeavor, and the price to pay is so high that it is not worth it, PM Orban said regarding the war in Ukraine. He indicated that Western countries are moving closer to the frontline. In the past, in the event of such a conflict, isolation was the priority, but this is not the prevailing opinion now.

Mr. Orban also underlined that Hungary has held referendums on certain key issues, such as migration and gender issues. "We do not want to give up the right to determine the sex education of our own children. There was no referendum on the war, but the EP elections were about it, and the voters made it clear that they did not want to be part of the war. If we have enough support, I can pull the emergency brakes, allowing Hungarians to get off this pro-war train. The minimum objective has been achieved, because Hungary is not taking part in any NATO mission in Ukraine," Mr. Orban said, stressing that this agreement stands not just with NATO's current Secretary General, but also with the next SG in office.


The real reason for the migration giga-fine

Regarding Hungary's clash with the EU on migration and the EU's ensuing penalty, Mr. Orban explained that Manfred Weber's primary aim, deeply personal to him, is to harm Hungary because in 2019, Hungary's support prevented him from becoming European Commission President. Ursula von der Leyen ultimately won with a nine-vote majority, and Hungary wielded 13 votes at the time, leading to what PM Orban described as Weber's "Hungarophobia." Mr. Orban recalled that in 2018, following Hungary's right-wing victory in the general elections, Brussels swiftly initiated various procedures against the country, which is what we see with the recent court ruling.

He emphasized that efforts are ongoing to find a solution, noting progress in their working groups and the establishment of key elements in the legal framework. This fine will be borne by those who profit from migration and war, Mr Orban asserted. - We will fend off this Weberian attack as well. We are strong enough to ensure that not a single migrant enters our country, he affirmed.


Let's preserve Hungary as an island of peace

Germany is not not the country that it was ten years ago, PM Orban said. It is a multicultural world where migrants are no longer guests, as their citizenship procedures are fast-tracked by left-wing governments, and Germany is increasingly becoming theirs. - If we let the migrants in, Hungary will no longer be a Hungarian country. If one makes a mistake in terms of migration policy, it can no longer be corrected, Mr Orban said, asking Hungarians to say "no" to migration and to preserve our country as an island of peace.


Cover photo: Hungarian PM Viktor Orban (Photo: MTI/PM's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)


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