PM Orban Addresses Christian Conference

Prime Minister Viktor Orban will participate in the 15th Conference of the International Catholic Legislators Network (ICLN) in Frascati, Italy, which runs until Sunday, Mr. Orban's press chief told Hungary's state news agency (MTI).

2024. 08. 24. 11:07
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban (Photo: MTI/PM's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

A World at War: Constant Crises and Conflicts - What Does It All Mean for Us?" was the theme of the conference organized by the International Catholic Legislators Network (ICLN) in Frascati, Italy, which concluded on Sunday and featured a speech by Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

The International Catholic Legislators Network is a non-partisan organization founded in 2010, grounded in scripture and the social teachings of the Catholic Church. It organizes an annual central conference to provide spiritual support and networking opportunities for Christian parliamentarians, press chief Bertalan Havasi stated.

The ICLN is registered as a non-profit limited liability company (ICLN gemeinnützige GmbH) under Austrian company law, with a permanent staff and headquarters in Vienna, a legally and financially independent partner office in Washington, D.C., and representative offices in Nairobi and Singapore. The organization is not only non-partisan but also independent, funded solely by participation fees and carefully screened private donations, with no institutional or governmental connections.

Cover photo: PM Viktor Orban (Photo: MTI/PM's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)

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