Fidesz MEP: FPO Victory is a Historic Achievement

The Austrian Freedom Party’s victory is a major breakthrough for the Patriots, as members of the strongest party in one of the most important Western states now sit in the Patriots’ group, said Fidesz MEP Erno Schaller-Baross, a member of the Patriots for Europe group.

2024. 09. 30. 15:33
Cover photo: FPO Chairman Herbert Kickl (Photo: AFP)
Cover photo: FPO Chairman Herbert Kickl (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Erno Schaller-Baross, a Fidesz representative in the European Parliament, told the Hungarian Mandiner news site that the Austrian Freedom Party’s (FPO) victory is a historic result, as they have never performed this well before. Additionally, no other party has won an election in Austria since World War II other than the Austrian Socialists or the Austrian People's Party.

This represents a huge breakthrough for the Patriots, because in one of the most important Western member states, the members of the strongest party now sit in the Patriots’ group.

Migration was a central theme during the Austrian campaign; the issue has remained consistently on the agenda as conditions in the country’s major cities have become untennable. Mr. Schaller-Baross said he believes that migration will remain the central issue of the next three, four, or five elections in Austria.

"This clearly made the the Freedom Party stronger,” the MEP emphasized.

Mr. Schaller-Baross also noted that the Russia–Ukraine war was another key issue in the election, adding that "the Freedom Party is clearly a pro-peace party."


Cover photo: FPO leader Herbert Kickl (Photo: AFP)

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