Hungary DM: We Rearmed the Air Force in Recent Years + Video

The Hungarian government, as soon as the country's economic capabilities made it possible, launched a large-scale military and national defence development program.

2024. 09. 09. 12:14
Illustration: Helicopter (Photo: Hungarian Defence Forces)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

As soon as the country's economic capabilities made it possible, the Hungarian government launched a large-scale military and national defence development program and we've rearmed the air force in recent years, the defence minister said on Sunday, at the opening of the 29th Borgond Airshow.

Hungary's Armed Forces have brand new rotary-wing and fixed-wing aircraft, DM Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky said, adding that a new fleet of Airbus helicopters had been established, Hungary's Gripen fleet had expanded with four combat fighter-bombers, and - just a few days ago - the Brazilian Embraer factory's KC-390 military cargo plane had arrived.

He emphasized that next year Hungary will take delivery of a batch of new jet-propulsion training aircraft, and that the most modern, world-class air defence equipment is gradually being  put into use.

The Albatros Flying Association is organizing the 29th Borgond Airshow at the airport on the outskirts of Székesfehérvár, showcasing Hungarian aviation and aircraft, as well as the defense capabilities and ground units of the Hungarian Defence Forces.

This year's airshow features a wide range of activities, including aerobatic displays by Zoltan Veres in his MXS aircraft and Gyula Vari, a former MIG-21 and MIG-29 pilot, flying a new YAK-55 aircraft. On display will be the Hungarian-developed Genaviation GenPro aerobatic aircraft, the Altus - designed by Krisztian Dolhai and holder of five world records - and the jet-powered L-29 Delfin trainer. The event will also showcase two helicopters that have been key to Hungarian military aviation, the KA-26 and the MI-2. The Szolnok unit will perform both dynamic and static demonstrations with an H145M helicopter, and the Hungarian-developed light helicopter, the HungaroCopter, will also take to the skies.

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