Importance of Reliable Neighbors Grows

The meeting with Slovenia's energy minister was crucial, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto stated. He emphasized that the two countries have shared success stories, but they also have one major task ahead of them.

2024. 09. 03. 10:49
Peter Szijjarto, Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Photo: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto met Bojan Kumer, Slovenia's Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, in the framework of the Bled Strategic Forum.

It was important to meet again this time with my friend Bojan Kumer, because the significance of reliable neighbors in terms of energy security has increased greatly in light of the recent past,

− Mr. Szijjarto emphasized. 

"We have common success stories with Slovenia, as we have recently interconnected our electricity grids, and our joint regional power exchange will start operating in December", he said, adding that the two neighboring countries still have one big joint task ahead of them: to interconnect their gas pipeline systems. 

Thus, we will build an interconnector with a capacity of 440 million cubic metres, allowing us to interconnect all our neighbors,

− FM Szijjarto wrote.

Both Hungary and Slovenia are members of the European Nuclear Coalition; we stand together for the importance of nuclear energy, we reject any ideological and political approache in this field, Hungary's foreign minister concluded.

Cover photo: Peter Szijjarto, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Photo: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar)

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