Peter Magyar Seemed Undisturbed by Conditions While Being Paid Millions at Public Transport Companies

The politician lashed out at government in a letter over condition of Hungarian State Railways (MAV).

2024. 09. 02. 11:46
Peter Magyar, chairman of the Hungarian opposition Tisza party (Photo by Arpad Kurucz)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

As Magyar Nemzet reported earlier, Peter Magyar, chairman of the opposition Tisza Party, attacked the government by posting on social media the letter he addressed to Construction and Transport Minister Janos Lazar laying blame over the condition of the Hungarian State Railway (MAV). The minister promptly responded to Magyar's criticisms point by point in the comments, and at the same time invited his former subordinate for a face-to-face meeting to inform him in detail of the planned measures.


While being paid millions, Magyar was not upset by the state of transport

In conjunction with the now government-critical politician's criticism of the transport situation, Mandiner recalled that not so long ago, upon receiving a seat on the board of directors of Volanbusz [the inter-city public transport bus company] in April 2023, Magyar was receiving  a monthly salary of HUF 1.16 million  (nearly EUR three thousand).

 If fact, this happened when the company was already under Janos Lazar's Construction and Transport Ministry.

However, before stepping into the political arena, the opposition party leader did not publicly criticize the minister. Magyar had already announced his resignation from his position at Voláanbusz in 2024, at the beginning of his political career, which is interesting given that according to publicly available company documents, he was no longer a board member on December 1, 2023, so he was dismissed before he "resigned". But Peter Magyar had also worked at Hungarian Public Roads (MK) - also a company under Janos Lazar's ministry - where he was also a member of the board of directors, a post he landed even earlier, back in August 2022. In this position he received a monthly salary of HUF 1.33 million (nearly EUR 3.4 thousand). Interestingly enough, he likewise voiced no public concern regarding the state of Hungarian transport during this period either - when he was partially responsible for it. His criticisms of the minister for transport only come now.

Cover photo: Peter Magyar, chairman of the Hungarian opposition Tisza party (Photo by Arpad Kurucz)


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