Budapest Olympics: Three Possible Dates with No Submission Required

Budapest Mayor Gergely Karacsony could be open to engage in the dialogue.

2024. 10. 25. 15:39
Photo: MTI/EPA/Andre Pain
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Up to three dates could be considered for Hungary to host the Olympics. The first steps have already been taken by the Hungarian Olympic Committee (MOB) and the Hungarian Paralympic Committee (MPB).

As Magyar Nemzet reported earlier, the MOB and the MPB have invited the Municipality of Budapest to participate in the joint reflection on hosting a future Olympic Games in Budapest. After some initial obfuscation, Budapest Mayor Gergely Karacsony responded positively to the invitation and indicated:

he will submit the request to the assembly of the Municipality of Budapest,

and invited Zsolt Gyulay,  MOB president, and Laszlo Szabo, MPB president, to attend the session in question.

This is important as the right to host the Olympics is currently awarded after a two-stage process, with the previous bidding system having been abolished in 2019. The first phase is a "continuous dialogue" allowing a party (region, country, city) interested in hosting the Olympics to find out about the requirements. This is a non-committal and non-edition specific phase where the International Olympic Committee (IOC) engages in a professional dialogue with the interested party, typically lasting two to four years. In this process, IOC and the interested party jointly explore the feasibility of hosting an Olympic Games that is beneficial to both the potential host and the international Olympic movement.

Therefore, the continuous dialogue process requires no specific timeframe for staging the Games, no submission or commitment.

At the end of the process, IOC will open a "targeted dialogue" with one or more preferred hosts. Such an invitation is made roughly 10 years before a given Olympics and Paralympics. If the negotiations are successful and the interested party and the IOC agree - including on the date - and sign a contract, the IOC Session decides on the awarding of the right to stage the Games.

The rules allow the IOC to open and conduct targeted negotiations for hosting several consecutive Olympics and to award the right to host several forthcoming Games simultaneously.

In view of IOC' practice, , the MOB believes it is likely that between 2027 and 2029 the IOC will decide on the hosts of up to three Summer Olympic Games ( 2036, 2040 and 2044) at the same time, says the statement the MOB forwarded to Magyar Nemzet..

For this reason, the MOB and the MPB has recommended that Municipality of Budapest should join the continuous dialogue process, as this does not involve any commitment yet, but during the process it may become clear whether hosting the Olympics could be beneficial for either Hungary or Budapest.

The MOB and the MPB have asked MOB president Zsolt Gyulay, MPB president Laszlo Szabo and IOC Hungarian permanent member Balazs Furjes to initiate the necessary negotiations with the Municipality of Budapest on behalf of the MOB and the MPB, which is expected to start in the near future.

Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: MTI/EPA/Andre Pain)

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