PM Orban and President Macron Meet for Business Dinner in Paris

The Hungarian prime minister also had talks with Marine Le Pen in the French capital.

2024. 10. 23. 9:54
French President Emmanuel Macron and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban meet in Paris (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Fischer)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

President Emmanuel Macron received Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the Elysee Palace ahead of their working dinner in Paris, MTI reported. As Magyar Nemzet previously wrote, the French leader invited the Hungarian leader for a business dinner in the capital on Tuesday evening.

French President Emmanuel Macron and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: AFP)

PM Orban arrived at the Elysee Palace in Paris following the Slovak-Hungarian-Serbian summit on migration in Komarno (Revkomarom), Slovakia.

According to the French press, the meeting between Viktor Orban and Emmanuel Macron is taking place in the context of Hungary's EU presidency and serves as an opportunity to prepare the next EU summit in Budapest as well as the next European Political Community summit.

At the dinner, the two leaders will also review Hungary-France bilateral relations, particularly in the fields of energy, defense and transport.

ORBÁN Viktor; LE PEN, Marine
National Rally Group leader Marine Le Pen and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)

The prime minister and president of Fidesz, also held talks with National Rally parliamentary group leader Marine Le Pen on Tuesday afternoon in the National Assembly building in Paris, Bertalan Havasi, deputy state secretary in charge of the Prime Minister's Press Office, told MTI.

The migration situation in Europe was the main focus of the meeting,

the press chief said.


Cover photo: French President Emmanuel Macron and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: MTI)


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