Tisza Party Violates Constitution, Bows to Brussels

Constitutional lawyer Zoltan Lomnici, Jr., sharply criticized the Tisza Party for its support of the EU’s new migration pact, arguing that the move violates Hungary’s Fundamental Law and national sovereignty. Mr. Lomnici emphasized that past public consultations and referendums have shown the Hungarian people’s clear opposition to mandatory resettlement, yet Tisza Party's EU delegates - in line with the EU’s solidarity principle - have thrown their weight behind the pact.

2024. 10. 26. 14:46
Peter Magyar and Manfred Weber (Photo: AFP)
Peter Magyar and Manfred Weber (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

During the European Parliament's second  plenary session in Strasbourg in October, representatives voted on several budgetary issues, including the controversial migration pact, which mandates a mandatory quota scheme for relocating migrants to Hungary. As Magyar Memzet highlighted earlier, Tisza Party delegate Kinga Kollar accused Fidesz MEPs of distortion when it comes to interpreting the vote; but a brief research and review shows what it is that Tisza delegates have approved with their vote - precisely. 

Zoltan Lomnici, Jr., director of the Szazadveg Public Knowledge Foundation, remarked that Tisza Party’s support of the EU’s migration pact represents a disregard not only for Hungary1s Fundamental Law, but also for the will of the Hungarian people. 

Tisza Party MEPs' support of the migration pact defies both the letter and the spirit of Hungary's Fundamental Law, which clearly states - in Article XIV - that no foreign population can be resettled in Hungary,

– Mr. Lomnici emphasized.

He argued that providing political support for the pact ignores the sovereignty safeguarded by the Hungarian constitution.

This core constitutional principle - that Hungary’s independence and sovereignty are timeless and inalienable - prohibits any external pressure or EU directive that mandates resettlement within Hungary,

– Mr. Lomnici stated.

Lawyer Zoltan Lomnici, Jr., Scientific Director of the Szazadveg Public Knowledge Foundation

 Mr. Lomnici also highlighted the migration pact’s potential threat to the sovereignty of EU member states by making either the reception of asylum seekers or the financial burden for resettlement mandatory, imposing a significant financial burdens on national governments. He said the pact,

"beyond infringing upon constitutional principles, also brings economic expenses that burden Hungarian taxpayers, diverting funds from education, healthcare, and job creation projects." 

The expert also recalled that the Hungarian people have firmly rejected illegal immigration on multiple occasions, such as the 2016 quota referendum and the 2017 “STOP Soros” public consultation:

Of the 3.3 million Hungarian citizens who voted in the referendum, 98.3 percent voted against the resettlement quotas. Although the plebiscite was consultative, it sent a clear message: the Hungarian people reject mandatory resettlement and the EU’s migration policies.

Mr. Lomnici further pointed to the close ties between Tisza Party’s EP group and the European People’s Party (EPP) led by Manfred Weber. According to him, Tisza MEP Peter Magyar, who once openly criticized the notion of political immunity, is now acting in Mr. Weber’s interests.

Peter Magyar is hiding behind his parliamentary immunity to serve Brussels' expectations, not the Hungarian people’s interests. By doing so, he undermines the country’s sovereignty and acts against the people’s will,

– Mr. Lomnici remarked, emphasizing that “the Hungarian constitution and rule of law can only be upheld if Hungarian delegates stand up for national interests rather than act in service of international political interests or agendas."

In conclusion, Mr. Lomnici called Tisza Party’s support of the migration pact a betrayal of Hungarian sovereignty and a submission to the EPP, noting that the Hungarian people have rejected this approach in every consultation, referendum, and poll.


Cover photo: Peter Magyar and Manfred Weber (Photo: AFP)

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