Lawyer Tells Pressman a Few Home Truths

US Ambassador to Hungary held talks in Brussels.

2024. 12. 06. 14:57
David Pressman, az Amerikai Egyesült Államok új budapesti nagykövete az érkezése után tartott sajtótájékoztatón a Liszt Ferenc-repülőtéren 2022. szeptember 2-án.

MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman traveled to Brussels on December 3-4 to meet with newly appointed members of the European Commission and other senior officials on a range of issues central to the transatlantic relationship, lawyer Andras Schiffer recalled on social media, quoting the statement released by the US embassy in Budapest.

That's great. As far as I know, the United States of America is not a member of the European Union, and David Pressman is a foreign state's ambassador accredited to Budapest, not to Brussels, who has nothing to do with the host country's relations with other countries,

the lawyer highlighted, adding that "I think now is the moment to spare David Pressman from the arduous journey back to Budapest".

US Ambassador to the EU Mark Gitenstein also attended the talks Ambassador David Pressman held in Brussels, as reported by Magyar Nemzet.

Cover photo: US Ambassador to Budapest David Pressman (Photo: MTI/Szilard Koszticsak)

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