Migration Pact Is Fraught with Flaws, Security Expert Says

The EU migration pact is bleeding from a plethora of wounds, and in the Hungarian point of view, one of the biggest detriments is that illegally arriving migrants are to be distributed according to quotas among the member states of the European Union, Gyorgy Bakondi, the prime minister's chief adviser on internal security, said Saturday on M1 news channel.

Forrás: MTI2024. 12. 01. 16:11
Gyorgy Bakondi, the Hungarian prime minister's chief adviser on internal security, at the press conference at the Dunaujvaros stop of the country-wide tour to promote the national consultation, November 25, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Tamas Vasvari)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

It means that giant refugee camps have to be established, where asylum applications have to be judged by a prescribed deadline, Gyorgy Bakondi said.

These would be open camps, similar to the ones that back in 2015, several people arrived in, with many then escaping after a day and continuing towards Western Europe,

he clarified, adding that the eight to ten million people who have wound up in certain countries and cities have put in motion certain tragic and irreversible processes.

"In Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Brussels and London, for example, the number of illegally arriving immigrants exceeds fifty percent of the population,"

the chief adviser said, noting that in Brussels it is seventy percent. As he remarked, it is already too late to do anything there to change what illegal immigration has done to public safety, the social security system, social cohesion, faith and the family. Gyorgy Bakondi also talked about how

in addition to the immigrants who receive asylum applications to fill out, there are those whose applications were either rejected or who did not even try to apply for refugee status.

He said there may be hundreds of thousands of people who, by avoiding the authorities, support themselves from working illegally or from crime. According to data put out by the UN, almost one million illegal immigrants arrive on the continent every year.

The EU's migration policy jeopardizes the ability of people living in Europe to assert their interests as well as their safety in everyday life,

he stressed. According to the chief adviser, the latest pact of three EP groups representing the majority intends to perpetuate this situation, which will have unforeseeable consequences for the future of Europe. He added that those who have received political refugee status and are legally staying in that country will be assisted with housing support and jobs. He reiterated that in EU countries there are two groups of people who are illegally residing there: those whose application was not accepted, but did not leave EU territory, and those who evaded the authorities and remain under the radar in illegality. He added that this is a growing population. Mr Bakondi emphasized: 

When taking a closer look at the number of terrorist acts occurring throughout Europe, it turns out most terrorists come from this illegally residing, un-deported group. Accordingly, the presence of these people in Europe poses a serious potential threat to everyday public safety.


Cover photo: Gyorgy Bakondi, the Hungarian prime minister's chief adviser on internal security, at the press conference at the Dunaujvaros stop of the country-wide tour to promote the national consultation, November 25, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Tamas Vasvari)


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