By engaging in an arms race, the Western world by 1990 was able to dismantle the Russian-built Soviet empire - much to the great joy of the peoples living there. But only after a few years did it become clear that US dominant circles orchestrating the move had no intention of stopping there. They also wanted to eliminate Russia, the giant that remained, by dividing up its original territories formed by the end of the 1800s into several parts. This worked at first, because the weak-kneed, alcoholic President Yeltsin - helped by American campaign consultants to win the election - allowed globalist American NGO networks and American capital in general to take over the media, legal and cultural sectors in Russia.
Despite the protests of top Russian state leaders (such as Yevgeny Primakov) already in 1992, after CIA plans to dismember Russia were leaked, the enervated Russian leadership under Yeltsin did nothing.
Only the plotting of the Russian secret service elite changed this situation, when President Yeltsin appointed Putin from among their ranks as prime minister, who after a short time succeeded him to the presidency. At that time, a process of displacement began in which the economic, legal and cultural sectors permeated by the American foundations and NGO networks - the agents of the Soros network foremost among them - were gradually dislodged from the country and from their positions, with Russia emerging by 2002 as an independent great power and again facing the United States. However, this time renouncing the aggressiveness of the Soviets and wanting to fit into the Western world system. Russia even applied for NATO membership and becoming a party to the European human rights convention framework, of which the latter did materialize, but NATO still wanted to treat it as an enemy.
The American influence effectively driven out of Russia remained most intensively in Ukraine, integrating itself into its economic, media and political organizations and acquiring a large part of its resources, as well as establishing close relations with the majority of the Ukrainian oligarchs who had acquired state assets in the past. From that time on, America's foreign affairs and intelligence agencies developed a strategy for Eastern Europe under the guise of a 'democracy machine' that, while voicing concerns of human rights and democracy abuses, was aimed at removing governments that did not cooperate with the US, by utilizing disaffected groups within such countries.
This was the time of color revolutions, starting with the Georgians, then the Serbs and on to the Ukrainian Orange Revolution which took place in 2004. Mark Palmer, the former US ambassador to Hungary, wrote a book on this, saying that by spreading democracy it would be possible to create pro-American changes in almost 25 countries.
After the Orange Revolution of 2004, under the leadership of the American embassy in Kyiv, the US State Department and CIA forces organized a coup in 2014 countering the Ukrainians, who in the meantime had elected a pro-Russian president. By removing the president, they intervened most directly in the formation of the subsequent Ukrainian state leadership. (These events were reconstructed, down to the tiniest detail of the US Embassy's involvement in organizing the coup, following WikiLeaks and the disclosure of millions of American diplomatic documents.) In the meantime, organizing persisted but now with the new, pro-American Ukrainian leadership, to enable NATO's nuclear strike force to be stationed directly on the border with an enraged Russia - even by floating Ukraine NATO membership. Since then, only its aftermath has driven the struggle between the United States and Russia via Ukraine, the last dramatic development being Russia's invasion in February 2022 to militarily stop Ukraine's NATO membership and the deployment of nuclear forces at its border.
The question arises: Why have America's globalist forces been so persistent for thirty years in trying to break the Russians, who had previously been clamoring to join NATO?
After all, the Russians had largely let the arsenals of weapons they had inherited from the Soviets fall into disrepair, and the rusty Russian war machine was a constant object of ridicule. The explanation is very simple: if the plans to break up the Russian Federation were successful, the barely populated but Europe-sized Siberian territories, abounding with natural resources would be freed up just a few kilometers away from the US state of Alaska across the Bering Strait. Such opportunities for conquest have been closed to the Western powers for well over 150 years, and now, by carving up Russia, America's territory and resources could be augmented by a third. Let us trust that the soon-to-be sworn in Trump, with his isolationist agenda will break with these expansionist endeavors and turn inwards, focusing instead on restoring order within a now deteriorating American society.
The author is a professor emeritus