Hungary FM: US Presidency Ushers in New Era to the Western Balkans

Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto received Zeljko Budimir, Republika Srpska's minister in charge of science, technological development, higher education and information society.

2025. 01. 23. 17:27
Peter Szijjarto, Hungary's foreign affairs and trade minister and Zejlko Budimir, Republika Srpska's minister of science, technological development, higher education and information society (Source: Facebook/Peter Szijjarto)
Peter Szijjarto, Hungary's foreign affairs and trade minister and Zejlko Budimir, Republika Srpska's minister of science, technological development, higher education and information society (Source: Facebook/Peter Szijjarto)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Zeljko Budimir, minister of science, technological development, higher education and information society of Republika Srpska, visited Budapest,  Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto posted about their meeting on social media.

Szijjártó Péter külgazdasági és külügyminiszter és Željko Budimir urat, a Boszniai Szerb Köztársaság Tudományért, Technológiai Fejlődésért, Felsőoktatásért és Információs Társadalomért felelős minisztere
Peter Szijjarto, Hungary's foreign affairs and trade minister and Zejlko Budimir, Republika Srpska's minister of science, technological development, higher education and information society  (Source: Facebook/Peter Szijjarto)

The new US presidency is bringing a new era to the Western Balkans also

the Hungarian minister wrote in his post.

Instead of threats, an era of cooperation based on mutual respect is coming to the region,

Peter Szijjarto added.

Peter Szijjarto, Hungary's foreign affairs and trade minister and Zejlko Budimir, Republika Srpska's minister of science, technological development, higher education and information society  (Source: Facebook/Peter Szijjarto)

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