Mate Kocsis: The Constitution Will Be Amended

Following Trump’s footsteps.

2025. 01. 25. 11:09
Mate Kocsis, Fidesz's parliamentary group leader (Source: Facebook / Mate Kocsis)
Mate Kocsis, Fidesz's parliamentary group leader (Source: Facebook / Mate Kocsis)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– Inspired by Trump, here is another thing to be incorporated into Hungary’s constitution!” Mate Kocsis wrote on his social media on Friday evening. Fidesz's parliamentary group leader recalled that President Trump’s fight against what he called the “woke culture” began with establishing the self-evident truth, that a human being can only be either male, or female.

Incidentally, PM Orban already hinted at this earlier on Friday morning during his radio interview, noting that while Hungary’s constitution does already state that “the mother is a woman and the father is a man,” it does not explicitly define the existence of two genders.

Mr. Kocsis expressed his view that there seems to be no self-evident fact or reality that global liberals have not yet questioned. “Perhaps the brightest star in the sky of their persistent and unyielding idiocracy is the claim that a human being is not necessarily male or female. But, they are!” Mr. Kocsis emphasized in his post.

– So, Trump took action to defend normality, finding it necessary to enshrine self-evident truths in legal frameworks. And, as it turns out, the Hungarian parliament cannot avoid making this small, brief, yet indispensable amendment to our constitution. Yes, even self-evident truths must be codified, because otherwise, they cease to exist,” Mr. Kocsis indicated, previewing that Fidesz is likely to submit a constitutional amendment proposal regarding this matter.

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