Mate Kocsis to David Pressman: “You’re a Petty, Vindictive Character”

Everything about the U.S. ambassador is just so obvious, according to Fidesz's parliamentary group leader.

2025. 01. 08. 10:17
U.S. Ambassador David Pressman (Photo: Dunantuli Naplo/Laszlo Laufer)
U.S. Ambassador David Pressman (Photo: Dunantuli Naplo/Laszlo Laufer)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– Mr. Ambassador! What we only suspected before became a certainty yesterday. You’re a petty, vindictive character—just a liberal political activist who, during every moment of your time here, prioritized imposing your worldview over fostering orderly diplomatic relations between two allied states. If what you arbitrarily claimed yesterday about Antal Rogan were true, then I must ask: why did this suddenly occur to you—after several years in Hungary—just a few days before your departure?” the parliamentary group leader of Fidesz, Mate Kocsis, posed the wuestion to U.S. Ambassador David Pressman.

According to Mr. Kocsis, everything surrounding Mr. Pressman was just so obvious. The politician accused the ambassador of attempting to impose his, and the American deep state's liberal worldview on Hungary,  

of trying to orchestrate a change in government—a right that belongs solely to the Hungarian people.

 Mr. Kocsis recalled that, in pursuit of these objectives, the ambassador organized, funded, and attended dinners, political gatherings, and protests.

– We hope never to hear from you again, anywhere in the world! You have brought shame upon American diplomacy and, in the end, upon yourself as well. It's a disgraceful finish, one that you deserve. Travel safe! P.S.: I am proud that, despite your repeated invitations, I never met with you. I was right in sensing that something was not right,” Mr. Kocsis added.

Cover photo: David Pressman, U.S. Ambassador (Photo: Dunantuli Naplo/Laszlo Laufer)

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