Hungary FM: Lebanon's Stability a Key Issue

The Lebanese people now have a real chance of regaining their right to a peaceful and orderly life in the long term, Hungary's foreign minister posted on social media.

2025. 02. 11. 10:11
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

This requires the extension of the ceasefire, which Hungary strongly supports. This requires the presence of UN peacekeepers, in which Hungary is participating with 16 soldiers. This requires the strengthening of the Lebanese army, to which the Hungarian government is contributing with an additional payment through the European Peace Facility. This also requires the strengthening of Christian communities, and to this end, Hungary is providing support for seven development initiatives this year through the Hungary Helps  Program, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto posted.

He stressed:

Today in Beirut, we will discuss Hungary's contribution to stability in the Middle East and the development of Hungarian-Lebanese relations.

Cover photo: Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto (Photo: MTI)

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