Hungary FM: New Hope for Ending the War as Trump Takes Office

Donald Trump’s inauguration may present a new opportunity to bring an end to the war in Hungary’s neighborhod, said Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, who believes that dialogue between the United States and Russia could be the key to resolving the conflict. “The most important development right now is that a top-level connection has been established between the Russians and the Americans,” the minister stated.

2025. 02. 14. 9:37
Hungarian FM Peter Szijjarto (Source: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Donald Trump’s inauguration may present a new opportunity to bring an end to the war in Hungary’s neighboring country, said Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, who believes that dialogue between the United States and Russia could be the key to resolving the conflict.

A significant step has been made to ending the war, as the recent phone conversation between the American and Russian leaders was not merely a formal exchange but a genuine dialogue, the minister stated.

He emphasized that the conversation was long and substantive, sparking new hope for the possibility of peace. According to Mr. Szijjarto, the phone call was only the first step, with further discussions expected both at the governmental and highest diplomatic levels. The Hungarian government is optimistic that these negotiations will be successful and bring an end to the Rissia-Ukraine war.

This is the greatest chance yet for a resolution to come within reach,

– Mr. Szijjarto stated.


Cover photo: Hungarian FM Peter Szijjarto (Source: Facebook)

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