PM Orban: This Is What We've Been Waiting For, We Can Gain a Lot from Peace + Video

Hungary's prime minister also spoke about migration and economic developments.

2025. 02. 14. 10:47
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban (Photo: PM's Press Office / Zoltan Fischer)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– "This is what we've been waiting for; this is what Hungary's strategy was built on - that the war would not drag on and a pro-peace U.S. president would come along," PM Viktor Orban told Kossuth Radio in his morning interview. According to Mr. Orban, there is now a good chance to achieve peace in the war in Ukraine, as negotiations between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have begun. He recalled that until now, only two parties had supported peace Hungary and the Vatican but now, with the United States, there are three, and the third is a highly significant player.

One pillar of the Western world has initiated a shift that is reshaping the entire value system of the West, he noted.

Until now, the pro-peace position was deemed morally inferior in the West, but by now it's become clear that peace is a good thing.

When it comes to migration, the right policy is the one that defends borders; green issues cannot be implemented at the expense of the economy; on gender issues, the right stance is that people are either male or female, and the traditional family concept is also good, not outdated. Christianity has been continuously mocked, but now the U.S. president says that faith is good," PM Orban pointed out, adding that all this will bring significant change in Europe as well.

If the U.S. president establishes peace, Russia will be reintegrated into the global economy, the European security framework, and even the European energy and economic system, which is an enormous opportunity for Hungary, Mr. Orban opined. 

We can gain a lot from peace,

– he emphasized.

No one will stand up for a nation's interests if that nation does not stand up for itself, Mr. Orban underlined. "The world of international politics is tough and interest-driven," he said. Seats at negotiating tables are not handed out freely; one must earn a seat by fighting for it and proving one's importance, he asserted. "Europe, which has supported the war and continues to do so, has no clear reason to be included in such negotiations. However, as for Hungary, I can say that we will be present wherever Hungarian interests are at stake, at the appropriate level, with the appropriate weight."

We will stand up for Hungarian interests, and I will secure everything that Hungary needs,

PM Orban declared. "So, we have always been on the side of peace, while others have stood for war. If they want a place at the table, they will have to fight for it."


The democratic system needs correction

Speaking about the Munich attack, PM Orban noted that one does not always rejoice in being proven right. He explained that since 2015, Hungary has been warning German leaders not to lose their common sense. According to the prime minister, over the past nine years, nine million migrants have entered Europe. George Soros even detailed in his plan that Europe should accept one million migrants per year.

"God has not abandoned us, as he has allowed us to keep our common sense," Mr. Orban stated. He argued that it is still cheaper to pay daily fines than to accept migrants and bear the financial burden of the consequences. This situation also raises a democracy issue, as polls indicate that Germans prefer stricter immigration policies. He believes that

"in fundamental issues, there cannot be a disconnect between the elite and the people. 

– If a country's leaders and its citizens operate on completely different wavelengths, the democratic system cannot endure; it must be corrected. Eventually, leaders must adapt," PM Orban explained.

According to Mr. Orban, Germany's political system will also undergo a correction, elevating those who stand with the people on fundamental issues, such as the Alice Weidel-led Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. He cited migration, economic policy, and national sovereignty in relation to the EU as examples. After his meeting with AfD co-chair Ms. Weidel in Budapest, PM Orban concluded that if AfD's economic and foreign policy vision were realized, it would be beneficial for Hungary.


Pensions and utility price caps will remain 

– "The economy is the greatest challenge for the government, but we have been aware of this since 2011," PM Orban remarked. He stated that if the Germans and the French fail to find their footing, the European Union will collapse. He remains convinced that Hungary should remain in the EU, but he believes the bloc cannot survive in its current form.

– "Mario Draghi, one of Europe's most respected economists, has warned that unless the EU changes urgently, it will disintegrate. If we fail to do two things immediately, the EU is finished. First, energy prices must be reduced because European companies will go bankrupt, and the Green Deal must be adjusted. Second, the EU must improve its ability to attract capital so that investors won't abandon the continent. We need a unified capital market to keep money in Europe," Mr. Orban stressed.

– "Europe is fighting for survival, and its future is uncertain. Hungary must have an economic policy that works whether Europe succeeds or fails," Orban asserted. While Hungary cannot completely shield itself from external effects, he emphasized that the scale and direction of those effects matter. "We must recognize that 

the future of the global economy is not being shaped in Europe but in Asia and the Arab world—and, if Trump succeeds, in America. The Hungarian economy must establish special relations with these regions to break out of European isolation," 

– Mr. Orban emphasized.  – "Hungary's economy is able to sustain the current living standards because it can sell Hungarian products on the global market. We must produce and sell. Today, this is best done not with Europe but with other rising regions of the world," he stated.

For this reason, the government is supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in several areas. According to Orban, Hungary has between 850,000 and 900,000 businesses eligible for tax benefits up to a certain revenue threshold. He explained that business owners must apply for these benefits as they are not granted automatically. He also suggested that choosing an individual enterpreneur status may be advantageous. The VAT exemption threshold has been increased from 12 million to 18 million forints, the prime minister recalled. 

– "We have a system in place that shows—based on inflation data published by the National Bank—how high inflation will be, and we raise pensions by at least that amount. If inflation is estimated too low, we do not reduce pensions. In that case, we always make adjustments in November to ensure that pensioners receive the amount they are entitled to," Prime Minister Orbán explained.

He noted that the pension scheme is being attacked both by the Hungarian left and Brussels, demanding the abolition of retirees' 13th-month bonus pension payout, but the Hungarian government is resisting these efforts. "We will protect the pensions as it's a matter of respect. Pensioners cannot be handled how Brussels would like to handle them," the prime minister emphasized.

PM Orban also pointed out that Brussels wants energy providers to set their own prices, which could result in Hungarian families paying twice as much for utilities.

We must protect households, families, and push back against Brussels' attempts to raise utility costs,

– Mr. Orban declared.



Cover photo: Hungarian PM Viktor Orban (Photo: PM's Press Office / Zoltan Fischer)

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