PM Orban: We Must Reclaim the European Union for the European People

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Alice Weidel, co-chair of the AfD, gave an exclusive interview to the editor-in-chief of Mandiner and the publisher-editor of Weltwoche. During the conversation, the two politicians addressed several current European issues, particularly focusing on the future of the EU and the role of patriotic forces.

2025. 02. 13. 12:31
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In the interview, Viktor Orban highlighted the significance of the AfD, stating: "I believe that a country can only be saved by its own people." He also added that the AfD is "an important party that can influence the future of Germany." However, the Hungarian prime minister noted that there are still reservations about the AfD among other right-wing parties.

Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök, a Fidesz elnöke az Alice Weidellel, az Alternatíva Németországért (AfD) párt társelnökével a tárgyalásuk után a Karmelita kolostorban tartott sajtótájékoztatón 2025. február 12-én (Fotó: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd)
Prime Minister Viktor Orban, president of Fidesz, and Alice Weidel, co-chair of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), at a press conference held at the Carmelite Monastery after their talks on February 12, 2025 (Photo: MTI/Szilard Koszticsak)

Alice Weidel emphasized the importance of good Hungarian-German relations and spoke highly of  Hungary's prime minister, stating: 

I consider Viktor Orban to be a man of reason in Europe.

Weidel expressed harsh criticism regarding the reforming of the EU, saying:

In fact, all bureaucrats should be thrown out; it would be very healthy if bureaucrats engaged in proper jobs.

Speaking about Europe's democracy deficit, Viktor Orban pointed out:

When there is trouble, political leadership is needed, and the bureaucracy is unfit for political leadership.

Regarding the new US president, Orban noted that economic problems will emerge between the EU and Trump, because "Donald Trump knows what he wants, while the European Union does not".

Trump, on the other hand, will change the world in five ways: firstly, he makes it clear that "migration is bad, and illegal migration is the worst"; secondly, he wants peace; thirdly, he takes economic aspects into consideration in green policy; fourthly, he will "put an end to the practice of mocking Christianity"; and fifthly, he will restore free speech.

According to the Hungarian prime minister, patriots have a historical mission: "We must reclaim the European Union for the European people. We must pressure the union to do what the European people want."

Weidel also spoke about her party's plans, which include expanding energy supply, reducing taxes, and deporting illegal immigrants. The German politician spoke highly of Viktor Orban: 

Viktor Orban is an icon for us, personally for me as well.

In his closing remarks, the PM Orban warned that the window of opportunity to save the European Union is extremely narrow, closing rapidly, and that there is little time left. He added that in his opinion, "Hungary cannot save the European Union. It is Germany and France that can save the European Union."

The interview highlighted the similarities between the two politicians' views on EU reform and the role of patriotic forces, while also illustrating the magnitude of the challenges they face.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, president of Fidesz, and Alice Weidel, co-chair of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), shake hands at a press conference held at the Carmelite Monastery after their talks on February 12, 2025 (Photo: MTI/Szilard Koszticsak)

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