President Sulyok: Current Times Beneficial for Serbs and Hungarians Alike

At the recommendation of Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary by President Tamas Sulyok.

2025. 02. 18. 11:37
President Tamas Sulyok presents the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at the Sandor Palace on February 17, 2025 (Photo: MTI)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

As Magyar Nemzet highlighted in an earlier piece, Serb President Aleksandar Vucic is on a one-day visit to Hungary. During his time in Budapest, Serbia's head of state received the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary from President Tamas Sulyok.

Sulyok Tamás köztársasági Sulyok Tamás köztársasági elnök átadja a Magyar Érdemrend nagykeresztje kitüntetést Alekszandar Vucic szerb államfőnek a Sándor-palotábanelnök átadja a Magyar Érdemrend nagykeresztje kitüntetést Aleksandar Vucic szerb államfőnek a Sándor-palotában
President Tamas Sulyok presents the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, at the Sandor Palace. (Photo: Noemi Bruzak / MTI)

Sulyok honors Vucic for his work in strengthening Serbia-Hungary relations

The award was granted in recognition of  Vucic’s efforts to deepen Hungary-Serbia ties and promote historical reconciliation between the two nations. The honor was conferred upon him last August based on a recommendation by Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

We often fail to recognize that the times we live in carry historical significance. And historical times and actions give rise to historical figures,

– President Sulyok stated in his speech, adding that Aleksandar Vucic is one such historical figure. He praised President Vucic’s efforts to strengthen relations between the Hungarian and Serbian peoples and highlighted the exemplary status of the Hungarian community in Serbia. At the conclusion of the ceremony, President Vucic expressed his gratitude and emphasized that the Hungarian and Serbian nations are now bound by friendship—one that is more essential than ever in these turbulent times.

Cover photo: President Tamas Sulyok presents the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at the Sandor Palace on February 17, 2025 (Photo: MTI)

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