Soros Organizations in Trouble: More Skeletons Could Fall Out of the Closet

"Drawing lessons from American documents will allow us to act with greater efficiency in future operations," Jozsef Horvath told Magyar Nemzet regarding the potential appointment of a government commissioner to investigate sources arriving from the United States with the intent of destabilizing Hungary. Horvath, director of Hungary's Sovereignty Protection Research Institute, recommended examining these activities even decades back. Constitutional lawyer Zoltan Lomnici Jr. believes that future revelations could expose American financing of past political campaigns.

2025. 02. 21. 16:00
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"It’s crucial for Hungary to gain as comprehensive information as possible about funds coming through USAID. Over time, processes spanning several decades could be uncovered to reveal which targeted funds were directed at influencing Hungary. Learning from this, we could not only shut these channels but also counter future operations more effectively," Horvath told Magyar Nemzet  in response to the announcement of Mate Kocsis, Fidesz Parliamentary group leader.

Jozsef Horvath reminded that USAID, acting as an extended arm of the CIA, supported NGOs, media outlets, and politicians. (Photo: Andras Eberling)

During the Fidesz parliamentary group meeting in Balatonfured, Kocsis announced that the Fidesz parliamentary group would request the government to appoint a commissioner to investigate funds from the U.S. that reached Hungarian pseudo-civil organizations, media platforms, activists and political actors over the past decade. Horvath reiterated statements by several current U.S. government officials who have admitted that USAID functioned as a CIA extension, a practice in place since the Obama administration. 

This issue poses national security risks. We must examine whether this began during the regime change or only intensified recently,

Horvath stated. The security policy expert also added that once the information is available, it will be Parliament’s responsibility to introduce new legislation or amend existing laws to protect against destabilizing operations from any direction.

What powers will the government commissioner have?

Zoltan Lomnici Jr. explained that, by law, the commissioner’s activities will be directed by the prime minister or a designated minister. He noted that the commissioner’s powers will depend on the tasks and authority assigned by the government during the appointment.

The commissioner will likely be responsible for obtaining American documents regarding the support provided to Hungarian media outlets, civil organizations, and institutions,

Lomnici said.

The goal is to expose foreign interventions potentially threatening Hungarian sovereignty and, if necessary, to propose amendments to legislation.

According to Constitutional Lawyer Zoltan Lomnici Jr., the US funding of previous campaigns may also come to light in the future (Photo: Zsolt Szigetvary)

The investigation aims to determine the extent and nature of how these funds influenced Hungarian domestic politics, focusing on election campaigns and civil organizations’ activities.

The commissioner’s responsibilities may include thoroughly auditing related financial flows, organizations, and individuals to establish whether any legal violations or foreign interventions occurred in Hungary’s political processes.

The lead expert at Szazadveg also noted that foreign funding for even previous campaigns—such as the opposition’s campaign in the 2019 municipal elections—could come to light.


Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: MTI/Tamas Kovacs)

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