Trump's Ukraine Peace Plan Could Be Unveiled Within Days

US allies expect the Trump administration to outline its plan to end the Russia-Ukraine war at the Munich Security Conference next week. The White House has not yet commented on the news, but President Donald Trump's special envoy, Keith Kellogg, confirmed his attendance at the event.

2025. 02. 06. 12:16
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Elements of Trump's peace plan could include potentially freezing the conflict and leaving the status of the occupied territories 'in limbo', and providing certain security guarantees to Ukraine to prevent Moscow from launching another attack in the future.

Trump béketerve
Trump's peace plan could be presented during the Munich Security Conference, which will be attended by Keith Kellogg (Photo: AFP)

The White House is reportedly threatening Russia with serious sanctions if it refuses to negotiate. According to Trump's team, the peace plan would create an opportunity for Ukraine to hold elections once the ceasefire takes effect. Kellogg highlighted:

The United States already has a "good and solid" settlement plan.

Kyiv and Moscow react cautiously to Trump's plan

Recently, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has indicated that he would be ready to negotiate a peace agreement with Vladimir Putin,provided that Ukraine's allies also take part. Kyiv continues to consider NATO membership as its most important security guarantee, but Washington has so far shown no support for this.

The war will reach its third anniversary in mid-February, and according to Bloomberg, Trump's plan could mark a turning point in the conflict.

Kellogg and other officials emphasize a "peace through strength" approach, whereby the US could even offer Ukraine economic benefits in return for supporting the US plan. Further details of the plan are expected to emerge at the Munich conference, which could have a significant impact on the future of the war.

Cover photo: US President Donald Trump (Photo: AFP)

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