Ukraine Seeks to Discredit Hungary

The government will protect the country against all external attempts at influence, as for us, nothing comes before Hungary's interests, the parliamentary state secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade stated in a video posted on his social media on Tuesday.

2025. 02. 11. 16:02
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"The successive nationalist governments in Kyiv have drastically curtailed the rights of the Hungarian ethnic minority in Transcarpathia to use their mother tongue. Nevertheless, when the Russian invasion began in February 2022, the Hungarian government decided to set  differences of opinion aside and come to Kyiv's help. As a first step, we opened Hungary’s borders," 

said Levente Magyar,  parliamentary state secretary.

Every Ukrainian citizen who sought refuge in Hungary or in Europe and wanted to travel through Hungary was granted entry into our country,

he continued, adding:

"Secondly, as soon as Russian troops left the Kyiv area, we immediately went to the affected regions. We assessed the damage, consulted with representatives of the local population, and launched Hungary's largest humanitarian operation, under which we rebuilt public institutions, kindergartens, and schools," emphasized Levente Magyar. He also noted:

The third pillar of this assistance was the launch of programs within Hungary to make life easier for Ukrainians staying in the country. We organized schools for them and supported their temporary stay and integration in every possible way.

The state secretary further stressed that, "Unlike many of Ukraine’s Western supporters, Hungary is not interested in prolonging the war or fueling it. We want to see it concluded as soon as possible and put an end to human suffering. That is why we have aligned our humanitarian and support policies with this principle, participating in reconstruction efforts and regularly coordinating our policies with Ukraine’s leadership at the highest levels." 

He highlighted that

Given this background, there is no other way to interpret the recent revelations as anything but a stab in the back: Kyiv has been actively financing and supporting actions aimed at discrediting the Hungarian government both in Hungary and internationally.

"It is clear that such a blatant external interference in Hungary’s internal affairs cannot go unanswered. The purpose of my current visit to Kyiv is to get an explanation from the Ukrainian leadership. In the absence of a satisfactory explanation, I will outline Hungary’s possible responses," the state secretary warned.

He pointed out that "this situation is not about the government, nor is it about who is right in our domestic political debates. This is about Hungary’s repuatation. Hungary remains committed to maintaining good relations with Ukraine. However, for this to happen, Ukraine must meet two conditions: it must restore the rights taken away from the Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia, and Kyiv must immediately cease all activities targeting the Hungarian government, returning to sincere dialogue."  

Finally, he added:

One thing is certain: we will protect our country against all external attempts at influence because for us, nothing comes before Hungarian interests.

Cover photo: Levente Magyar, parliamentary state secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Photo: MTI)

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