PM Orban on Scariest Part of Their Child Needing Emergency Medical Care

Hungary's prime minister related an incident from the past in his latest video post.

2025. 03. 19. 10:11
Pediatric surgeon and newly appointed Prime Ministerial Commissioner Dr. Robert Konig and Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Source: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Viktor Orban shared a video on social media titled "Dr. Konig on Board." On Tuesday, the prime minister announced that Dr. Robert Konig, a pediatric surgeon at Szent Janos Hospital in Budapest, has been appointed Prime Ministerial Commissioner. The new commissioner's role will focus on improving communication with patients and patient satisfaction.

In the video clip, PM Orban, in a conversation with the commissioner, recalled a past experience when he had to take his child to the children’s emergency room. It wasn't so much the fact of having to go to the hospital itself that frightened him, but rather how to explain to his child that this will be good for them.  The surgeon then presented a publication designed to help parents in such situations.

The prime minister emphasized that the biggest help for him is when proposals regarding a given area come in an almost fully prepared state. He added that while there are great macroeconomic reform ideas in healthcare, what really matters to him is what happens in the waiting rooms and hallways where people are awaiting medical treatment.

This is my way of thinking—fast, effective, immediate results,

Dr. Robert Konig responded to the prime minister’s remarks.

Cover photo: Pediatric surgeon and newly appointed Prime Ministerial Commissioner Dr. Robert Konig and Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban
(Source: Facebook)


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