PM Orban: This Far and Go No Further! + Video

The Hungarian government presented the immediate results of the profit margin caps in a video.

2025. 03. 23. 15:33
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Source: Facbook/Viktor Orban)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Retail chains have been making enormous profits on food products, so we had to step in," Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in a video posted on the Hungarian government's social media page. PM Orban recalled that retail chains added a 42 percent markup on chicken wings, 55 percent on pork chop, 68 percent on milk, 129 percent on sour cream, 38 percent on eggs, 69 percent on cottage cheese, and 70 percent on yogurt. "Intervention was necessary," the prime minister emphasized.


After capping retailer margins, the price of Trappista cheese dropped by a thousand forints, pork ribs by 574 forints, butter by 350 forints, and wheat flour by nearly 200 forints,

"We could no longer stand by and watch people being ripped off, so we had to tell the price-hikers: this far and go no further!" Viktor Orban underlined in the video.


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