PM Orban: We Have Always Called for Peace

PM Orban joins a radio interview after the extraordinary EU summit in Brussels. Live coverage!

2025. 03. 07. 9:52
Prime Minister Viktor Orban at Kossuth Radio (Photo: Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– There is a difference of opinion between Hungary and the other 26 countries, and we have managed to resolve this so far. But now the divide lies between the pro-peace countries led by the United States and the 26 EU member states, Viktor Orban told Kossuth Radio's "Good Morning, Hungary!" program in an interview. Speaking from the public media's Brussels studio about Thursday's EU summit, PM Orban stated that whereas America is now working toward peace, the 26 countries are trying to devise a counter-strategy to continue the war. "Instead of taking a stand for peace, the others decided that Ukraine must continue the war," he added. PM Orban emphasized that Hungarians have maintained the same position since the war began:

We've always said there should be peace because the Hungarian economy cannot withstand this.

Mr. Orban emphsized that the position now adopted by the 26 member states lacks a rational basis, adding that they have also taken on significant financial risks in doing so.


"This will bleed us dry"

– If the Europeans go through with this, we will lose our last eurocent; this war will cost us an arm and a leg—and then some, Mr. Orban asserted. He added that even within NATO, the pro-peace countries are in the majority, meaning no money will come from there either, as both the Americans and the Turks support peace. He explained that the Ukrainians want to keep 800,000 troops armed, and the Europeans intend to finance this. Furthermore, Ukrainian President Zelensky wants us, Europeans, to maintain a one-million-strong army stationed in Ukraine after the war. On top of that, the Ukrainian state itself would need financial support. Europe would also have to supply and strengthen its own military forces. Additionally, Europe would also be paying a high price for Ukraine's EU accession.

There is no money for these objectives,

– Mr. Orban explained, adding that Hungary does not want all its money to go to Ukraine.

According to PM Orban, a concept aiming to support Ukraine while destroying Europe economically is gaining traction in Europe.

Ukraine's EU membership would mean Europe's downfall, including that of the Hungarian economy, which - according to PM Orban - must be stopped. Now is not the time to make a responsible decision on membership. He recalled that trade between Ukraine and Europe had already been opened to a certain extent, which nearly destroyed Hungarian farmers. According to the prime minister, agriculture would be the most vulnerable sector if Ukraine joined. Additionally, 800,000 people are armed, and Ukraine has never been known for its public safety. "Allowing the citizens of such a country to move freely into Hungary would be irresponsible at this moment," he added.

PM Orban noted that Hungary could not accommodate hundreds of thousands of guest workers, which would be an inevitable consequence of Ukraine's EU accession. He indicated that he wants to hold a consultative vote on the matter as soon as possible.

Brussels is currently calculating the costs, he said. "Maintaining an 800,000-strong army, keeping the entire Ukrainian state running, simultaneously executing Europe's military rearmament, and bearing the burdens associated with Ukraine's membership. Right now, they are adding up what all this would cost," he said, adding that – in his view – the final calculation will show that

the EU cannot afford this, and even for Brussels, the Hungarian veto was beneficial in this regard.

– We will go bankrupt if we follow the course that the 26 member states deem appropriate. This position must be changed – he added.


We need consultation and unity 

Unity and consultation do have significance, PM Orban emphasized, adding that Brussels also wants to scrap Hungary's household utility bill reduction scheme. Hungary opposes this, because Hungarian families could not bear the burden. Without the subsidies, every family would pay 500,000 forints more per year, he explained. He added that Brussels does have supporters in Hungary. This view is propagated mainly by liberal economists, the left-wing was also doing this in the past, and now the Tisza Party is pushing the same agenda.

Viktor Orban stated that some retail chains have started lowering prices. He warned that if not all of them join the price reduction effort, the government will be forced to intervene. Retailers have one more week to comply. According to the prime minister, prices are not rising.

Regarding USAID funding, he said that while Hungary welcomes money flowing into the country, some funds are "corrupt dollars" intended to buy influence. The reason foreign money is sent to individuals and organizations is to influence Hungary's decisions. To this end,

foreigners have spent vast amounts of money in Hungary in recent years, with funds coming from three different sources.

According to PM Orban, Hungary cannot accept that American money is used to influence public opinion. However, it is not only American funds that have been used for this purpose; Brussels has also financed certain individuals. Moreover, he said, Brussels' money is also Hungary's money, as it comes from the contributions Hungary has paid into the EU budget. These funds have been redirected, for example, to push - and try to validate - Brussels' stance on Hungary's utility subsidies.

Mr. Orban remarked that Brussels' old leadership remains in place, unwilling to start with a clean slate for fear of revealing past wrongdoings. However, pressure can be exerted from the member states' side to achieve results. The third funding source he identified was

the Soros network, whose activities also need to be uncovered.

Regarding domestic political consequences, he noted that hundreds of millions of forints will be removed from Hungarian public life, ensuring that the debates will finally focus on issues that truly matter to Hungary. "Today, we hear many voices in Hungarian politics that are backed by Brussels. Their patrons are in Brussels, and whoever pays the piper calls the tune," he added. PM Orban concluded the interview by stating that this is a well-known story with nothing new in it, except for the shocking reality that now, the facts are being laid bare without any disguise.


Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orban at Kossuth Radio (Photo: Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)





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