Ukraine’s Ambassador to Hungary Attempts to Ban Russian Diva from Opera

Szilveszter Okovacs, the director of the Hungarian State Opera, elegantly rejects the request.

2025. 03. 12. 16:18
Illustration. Director Szilveszter Okovacs delivers a speech on the 140th anniversary of the Hungarian State Opera House in Budapest (Photo: Hungarian State Opera / Attila Nagy).
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Ukraine’s ambassador recently requested the cancellation of Russian soprano Anna Netrebko’s long-sold-out orchestral gala concert, according to a social media post by Szilveszter Okovacs, director of the Hungarian State Opera. He also shared the letter from Ambassador Sandor Fegyir and responded to it in a polite yet firm manner.

The ambassador argued that Netrebko is known for her connections to Russian President Vladimir Putin and her open support for him, which previously led to the Metropolitan Opera in New York publicly terminating her contract. He warned that by inviting Netrebko, the Hungarian State Opera risks becoming a platform for narratives contrary to European values and human rights principles.

Sandor Fegyir therefore urged Szilveszter Okovacs to cancel the concert and to 

distance themselves from Russian rapists and child abductors.

In response, the director thanked the ambassador for his letter, which he noted was written in impeccable Hungarian, but expressed disagreement with its content. "Opera is not a political or military product. Artists are neither politicians nor soldiers. They do not sit in smoky rooms or stand in tactical operation centers monitoring screens. In a way, an artist is like a shoemaker, as Hans Sachs is in Wagner’s opera—and no one bans shoemakers during wartime," wrote Okovacs.

He firmly believes in the power of the arts for good, emphasizing that the muses should not be silenced even in times of conflict. He also noted that Hungary is not a party to the war and does not wish to act as an unsolicited judge in this “complex fraternal conflict.”

Regarding Anna Netrebko, the Opera House director stated:

"She is the world’s greatest living soprano, who continues to perform across the globe. She is celebrated and sought after on stages in Milan, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Vienna, and even in the United States. Our Opera House musicians will be performing with her for the ninth time, both at home and abroad. I have known Anna for nearly ten years, and she has never engaged in politics—not last year, not the year before," Okovacs clarified.

In his response letter Okovacs urged the ambassador not to "put the Hungarian State Opera in the crosshairs" and pointed out that the concert in question had the highest ticket prices in the 141-year history of the institution, reflecting the value Hungarian audiences place on Netrebko’s artistry.

Hungary - an Island of Peace

"Finally, let me remind you that Hungary is an island of peace, and so is our Opera House, which employs many outstanding Ukrainian and Russian dancers. Our goal is to provide comfort and solace through the power of art," wrote Okovacs. He recalled that three weeks after the outbreak of the war, the Opera House’s reopening ceremony featured a ballet performance by both Ukrainian and Russian dancers. Similarly, in their Christmas video, a beautiful mixed-nationality couple from the ensemble played the lead roles.

On the threshold of a hoped-for ceasefire, and perhaps in the antechamber of peace, I particularly wish to protect the tranquility, intelligent inner workings, and political neutrality of Hungary’s largest performing arts institution," concluded Okovacs, who also invited Sandor Fegyir to attend a performance at the Opera.

Cover photo: Illustration. Director Szilveszter Okovacs delivers a speech on the 140th anniversary of the Hungarian State Opera House in Budapest (Photo: Hungarian State Opera / Attila Nagy).

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