A recently released film exposes the severe memory loss of Prince Charles, the heir apparent to the British throne. Moreover, it is a video about us Hungarians—more specifically, Hungarians from Transylvania. It’s a charming, almost magical video where the Prince tells the story of his Hungarian ancestors, the Rhédey noble family, but without actually even mentioning Hungarians. The silence is as deafening as the quiet that answered the Hungarians in Párkány on June 4th at 16:30 as they waited for the bells of the Esztergom Basilica to toll for a mere 100 seconds on the centennial anniversary of the Trianon peace dictate. And now we’ve received a great dose of “care” from the Prince who not long ago apparently considered Transylvania his second home. But did he actually mean Romania? There’s a big difference.
PM Orban: Ukraine's NATO Membership Tantamount to War + Video
Hungary's prime minister held talks in Bratislava, focusing on energy security and the Russia-Ukraine war.