Zoltán Kovács to CNN: Hungary will not send weapons or soldiers to Ukraine

“Hungary will not send weapons or troops to Ukraine – this is a mandate given to our government by the Hungarian people,” said Zoltán Kovács, Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Relations, in his interview on Friday with the US CNN news channel.

Forrás: MTI2022. 04. 09. 12:57
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Christiane Amanpour, Chief International Anchor for CNN, asked the Secretary of State to explain the differing opinion of the Hungarians on this issue.

Zoltán Kovács rejected the assumption that this is the Hungarian approach. He said,

Hungary is not isolating itself; we stand by the NATO and EU decisions 100 percent. He explained that Hungary does not want to be dragged into this war.

The anchor supported her argument by citing Prime Minister Orbán Viktor’s statements at the international press conference after the election victory where he stated that it would not be a problem for Hungary to pay for gas in rubles if necessary. “What is the explanation?” asked Amanpour.

Zoltán Kovács answered by stating: “Well let’s put things right here.”

“The European Union so far has no common procurement of gas and oil for European countries.” Therefore, Hungary and Russia have contracts to acquire this and the currency we pay in is just a technical aspect.

The Secretary of State emphasized: this is not a way to go around any sanctions policies.

The Hungarian economy and people are 85% dependent on Russian gas.

We did not create this situation, we inherited it and there is no other solution,

– said Zoltán Kovács. 

He added that, despite the fact that throughout parts of Europe and Ukraine there are demands to end this practice, there is no other solution to buying gas and oil.

The American anchor also asked if Hungary believes – in accordance with the EU – that President Vladimir Putin’s project in Ukraine needs to fail.

In response, Zoltán Kovács expressed that Hungary stands by EU and NATO decisions 100%, especially in the mission for peace. “...we look for peace, whatever it costs, however it’s achieved. A truce and peace should come as soon as possible.”

Photo: Facebook/Zoltán Kovács

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