Internal security advisor: Population swap is underway to implement Soros plan announced in 2015

The border must be guarded, and only those who have obtained refugee status or hold a valid travel document or work permit should be allowed to enter.

Magyar Nemzet
2023. 07. 23. 11:26
Ásotthalom, 2021. szeptember 1. A Miniszterelnöki Kabinetiroda által közreadott képen Bakondi György, a miniszterelnök belbiztonsági fõtanácsadója beszél Ásotthalmon, az ideiglenes biztonsági határzárnál tartott sajtótájékoztatóján 2021. szeptember 1-jén. Bakondi György elmondta, hogy jelentõsen emelkedett idén a határsértõk száma 2020-hoz képest. A határsértõk többsége már nem szír, hanem afgán állampolgárnak vallja magát. MTI/Miniszterelnöki Kabinetiroda/Vadnai Szabolcs Fotó: Vadnai Szabolcs
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the wave of illegal migration since 2015 is not a random process, but a long-term implementation of the Soros Plan, a kind of population exchange, Gyorgy Bakondi, the prime minister's chief advisor on internal security said on the M1 Hungarian public news television channel Saturday evening.

Gyorgy Bakondi added that the consequences could be seen recently in the cities of France or on in the open-air baths of Germany. Some leaders of the European Union and the European People's Party have previously stated that it would be necessary to strengthen the guarding of the external border and perhaps the construction of a border fence would also be justified, but in the end these ideas have remained mere statements, he recalled. The idea of a European Union migration package was then presented and voted on by a qualified majority by the EU's council of interior ministers, he said.

Unlike in the past, the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU began trilateral talks to prepare the legislation with unprecedented speed.

The essence of the draft is that

it would legalize illegal immigration, but in a way that the EU search and rescue services would take over groups of illegal migrants from people smugglers and then legally transport them to Europe. This would be followed by the second element of the plan: mandatory redistribution.

This is not the way forward, Mr Bakondi said.

In his speech in Baile Tusnad, Transylvania on Saturday, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban outlined the background to the migration issue, and a few days ago he formulated the principle that

the border must be guarded and only those who have obtained refugee status or are holding valid travel documents or work permits should be allowed to enter, Mr Bakoni recalled.

"This is an obvious and effective approach in Hungarian practice," said the internal security chief advisor.

He added, however, that for some reason, may it be the population exchange plan or ideological considerations, this solution is not supported by the EU and many left-liberal European governments.

But if the illegal immigration channels were closed, the process end, the migrants would not start their journey, they would not give their last penny to the people smugglers, said Gyorgy Bakondi.

(Cover photo: MTI/Prime Minister's Cabinet Office/Szabolcs Vadnai)


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