2024 EP elections a key issue at Kotcse Civic Picnic, PM Orban's policy chief says

Brussels has been taken hostage by a pro-war and corrupt elite, the Hungarian prime minister's political director said.

2023. 09. 10. 13:28
ORBÁN Balázs
Polgári Piknik Kötcsén Fotó: Máthé Zoltán
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Today is the 22nd annual picnic in Kotcse. The most important issue on the agenda of this year's meeting is next year's European Union elections, which are crucial for Hungary's future," Balazs Orban, the prime minister's political director, wrote in a post on his Facebook page.

As he pointed out, Brussels has been taken captive by a pro-war and corrupt elite, and the misguided decisions brought in Brussels recently are causing very serious damage and a growing deterioration of Europe's competitiveness.


"The solution to all this would be a strengthening of right-wing parties everywhere in the European Parliamentary elections. We think there is a chance for that. In Hungary, too, the right-wing Fidesz-KDNP representatives have to win mandates next year, because this way we would be able to achieve changes in the European Union and Brussels,"


the Hungarian governing party politician explained.

Magyar Nemzet reported the arrival of Viktor Orban  at this year's Civic Picnic location in Kotcse. The event has become an annual tradition where the Hungarian prime minister gives his assessment of the current political situation to a closed circle of right-wing conservative intellectual and economic invitees.

Cover photo: Balazs Orban, the Hungarian prime minister's political director (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Mathe)


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